Paul Cicala – KVIA Where News Comes First Thu, 05 Sep 2024 19:29:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Paul Cicala – KVIA 32 32 El Paso teen’s fight against cancer inspires other kids; Dedication of room at EP Children’s Hospital Thu, 05 Sep 2024 05:03:32 +0000

EL PASO (KVIA) --The El Paso Foundation had a special ceremony on Sept. 4th at El Paso Children's Hospital by dedicating a room in the name of 2-time cancer survivor Hailee Ozaeta. It was part of a $25,000 donation to help kickoff Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Hailee Ozaeta can't couldn't contain her emotions, as she

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2-time cancer survivor Hailee Ozaeta receives a big hug at El Paso Children's Hospital.

EL PASO (KVIA) --The El Paso Foundation had a special ceremony on Sept. 4th at El Paso Children's Hospital by dedicating a room in the name of 2-time cancer survivor Hailee Ozaeta. It was part of a $25,000 donation to help kickoff Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

Hailee Ozaeta can't couldn't contain her emotions, as she cried in the arms of her father while she and her family congregated around the room dedicated in her name at El Paso Children's Hospital.

 "They've helped save my life so many time," said 15-year-old Hailey.

As a kid who suffered mightily from cancer, she was thrilled to join dozens of others for the ceremony, including U.S. veterans, law enforcement, and scores of volunteers as the room she spent countless hours in as a patient was given the official name in her honor saying: "Do Not Fear, For I Am With You -Isaiah 4:10, Hailee & The Ozaeta Family."

Hailee's mother, Sandra Ozaeta, said, "So this is an honor for us to be able to give back to the hospital that helped save her life," after talking about the $25,000 dollar donation to El Paso Children's Hospital.

Hailee is also grateful for her little sister, Josie, who helped save her life by being her bone marrow donor.

When ABC-7's Paul Cicala asked Josie if she felt like a hero for donating the life-saving bone marrow, she answered, "Yes, because I love my sister, and I've done everything for her. When she's in her ups and downs, I always cheer her up."

Hailee told ABC-7's Paul Cicala: "(El Paso Children's Hospital) means so much to me honestly, through mental and physical (struggles). They first help save my life. I'm here because of them,  Me and my family have been through so many things together that I never expected. For them to get that room that I was first diagnosed in, I'm just so blessed, that they were able to do that for us," added Hailee with a huge smile on her face as members of the Official American Legion Riders Chapter 36 El Paso surrounded her in support.  

"We are incredibly grateful to Hailee’s family for their generosity and for choosing to honor her journey in such a meaningful way," said Dr. B. Abigail Tarango, Executive Director of the El Paso Children’s Foundation. "Their contribution will have a lasting impact on the lives of many children and families who walk through these doors."

The non-profit also pointed out that the donation marks the beginning of a series of events planned by the El Paso Children’s Hospital Foundation throughout September to raise awareness and funds for pediatric cancer care and research.

People, Places & Paul stories can be seen periodically on KVIA ABC-7 and features many of the movers and shakers in our borderland.

ABC-7's Stephanie Valle also featured Hailee in a story back in 2019. You can see it here.

In Stephanie Valle's story, she touched on how it was in March of 2018, when Hailee was 8-years-old, and she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. It's a type of cancer of the blood and bone marrow that affects white blood cells. HERE'S MORE FROM STEPHANIE VALLE'S 2019 REPORT:

“I felt very sick. I felt weak,” Hailee told Valle at the time. “I felt like a weight on me. I would get a lot of headaches.

Her mother, Sandra Ozaeta, told ABC-7 that when doctors confirmed Hailee’s diagnosis, she didn’t tell her daughter.

“How do you tell your 8-year-old that she has cancer?” Sandra said.

But Hailee told ABC-7 that she learned anyway, through dreams based in her faith.

“There was this dark tunnel and I was walking to it,” Hailee said. “And there was this big light at the end. I see the Virgin Mary and she is in a burgundy thing with green, with her hands like this,” she said, gesturing with her palms up in her lap. “She didn’t use the word ‘cancer,’ but something told me in my heart that I had it,” Hailee said. “She was just telling me how I had to keep strong.”

“I wasn’t scared, I wasn’t crying, I wasn’t anything,” she added. “I just felt peaceful, and I knew that I was going to be OK. I just had that faith in me.”

Hailee said she did keep strong through chemotherapy and hair loss, but that kidney failure two months into her intense treatment brought another dream of a heavenly encounter.

“I had another dream,” Hailee told ABC-7. “There was God, but he was a figure of light.”​​​​​​​

She described seeing stairs blanketed with clouds and eating at a banquet with angels.

“We all ate tamales and Takis,” she said, laughing.

But then she said the tone of the dream turned more serious.

“This little (angel) broke his wing, and God touched it,” she said. “I was like, ‘What is that supposed to mean?’ And God said, ‘The same thing that I’m going to do to you.’ So he touched my kidneys. And that’s when I woke up.”​​​​​​​

She said that when she awoke, she was able to use the restroom — something that hadn’t been possible for a whole day due to her kidney failure.

In June 2018, her scans came back clean. She was cancer-free.

That summer, she attended a weeklong camp organized by Candlelighters of El Paso for kids who are battling or who overcame cancer.

“That was her first step out of the hospital,” Sandra said. “She was able to be a kid for a whole week.”​​​​​​​

When Hailee talked about camp, her face lit up. “My favorite thing was at the end — the dance. It was really fun this year,” she said while laughing.

With a year left of treatment, the fifth grader is dreaming of her future.

“I want to work at the children’s hospital for kids that have cancer,” Hailee said. “Now that I’ve been through this, I want to help other kids and tell my story to them and tell them that everything’s going to be OK.”​​​​​​​

Candlelighters of El Paso supports families who are fighting childhood cancer. In honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, Candlelighters is hosting the Walk of Hope for families of fighters, survivors, and those who who lost their battle with cancer.

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ABC-7 at 10: Hailee’s Fight to Overcome Cancer Thu, 05 Sep 2024 00:21:24 +0000

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El Paso mom in NYC for National Fentanyl Awareness Day as she pays tribute to son who died of drug overdose Thu, 22 Aug 2024 02:02:00 +0000

EL PASO (KVIA) - Wednesday, August 21st is National Fentanyl Prevention Awareness Day. Jennipher Talamantes spent the day in New York City while taking part in a special ceremony to pay tribute to the lives lost from fentanyl. She says a picture of her son, Jake, who passed away from fentanyl poisoning, was featured in

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A Father and Mother grieve the death of son Jacob Talamantes, who lost his life to fentanyl.

EL PASO (KVIA) - Wednesday, August 21st is National Fentanyl Prevention Awareness Day. Jennipher Talamantes spent the day in New York City while taking part in a special ceremony to pay tribute to the lives lost from fentanyl. She says a picture of her son, Jake, who passed away from fentanyl poisoning, was featured in time square, along with others.

Fentanyl is a drug that's killing people in the El Paso and Las Cruces area at alarming rates. As officers continue to crack down on drug dealers, more people who've lost loved ones to fentanyl are also joining the fight.

ABC-7's Paul Cicala caught up with Jennipher Talamantes Guerra, a grieving mother who's son tragically died from a fentanyl overdose, while she continues to raise awareness about the dangers of the drug in order to prevent other parents from experiencing the loss of a loved one.

It's been over four years since the death of her son, Jacob Talamantes, who took in a dose of fatal fentanyl poisoning.

"They told me that they had found my son deceased in a hotel," said Jennipher Talamantes, as she opened up about the day of her son's death on April 24th, 2020, "His so-called friends left him there to die. He had very little fentanyl in his system. Less than two milligrams."

It was enough fentanyl to be deadly, after she says that Jacob thought he was taking a percocet. However, the counterfeit drug was laced with fentanyl.

Towanda Thorne-James, Special Agent in Charge for DEA El Paso Division, said, "One pill can kill. Fentanyl is extremely dangerous."

Towanda Thorne-James says that traces of fenanyl are commonly found in prescription drugs that may derive from the streets, and -not- the pharmacies. .

"You should not take a pill that has not been prescribed to you by your doctor or a pharmacist," said Towanda.

Since the death of Jake Talamantes, just 25 years old, Jenipher Talamantes has begun the non-profit called "Fighting to Save Lives in the 915" to not only pay tribute to her son's life, but to reach out to parents through fentanyl awareness programs.

"It's so important that parents become aware of the dangers of fentanyl, and speak to their children," said Jenipher Talamantes.

She's warning families that fentanyl deaths aren't just relegated to drug-abusers on the streets, which is something echoed by Special Agent Thorne-James, who recommends parents to "Advise your children on the dangers of social media, because, this is what they're utilizing. It's a on one stop shop, so if you have a phone, then you have a drug dealer."  

DEA laboratory testing reveals that six out of ten fentanyl-laced fake prescription pills now contain a potentially lethal dose of fentanyl, and, Talamantes reiterated to ABC-7's Paul Cicala that "even college students dealing with stress can be exposed to fentanyl without knowing."

Talamantes adds, "It's not that they're drug addicts. They just took a xanax for anxiety. They just ran out of their xanax pill, and their friend happened to give them xanax that was laced with fentanyl."

Special Agent Thorne-James said, "People aren't only being poisoned by fentanyl. They don't even know they're taking it. They don't know that it's in every drug imaginable. They don't know that it's in cocaine, that it's in methamphetamine, that it's in marijuana." 

According to the El Paso County Attorney's office, deaths from fentanyl have risen gradually from 75 in 2021 to 79 in 2022 and 96 in 2023.

Southern New Mexico is also seeing a rise in fentanyl-related deaths.

According to the New Mexico Department of Public Safety's "High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Program", in 2021 there were 57 deaths linked to fentanyl.

In 2022, the number remained the same with 57 deaths, and in 2023, it rose to 61 people killed from fentanyl.

Towanda Thorne-James, Special Agent in Charge for DEA El Paso division, said "There is demand for the fentanyl and our priority is to save American lives, so we continue to focus on our outreach."

She says, the DEA is putting pressure on the organizations who control the fentanyl distribution.

Some strategies appear to be working, at least in the Las Cruces area, where the handing out of Narcan, the brand name for the drug Naloxone, can help revive someone who may have overdosed from fentanyl. Thorne-James tells ABC-7's Paul Cicala that it's helping to keep the deaths from having such a marked increase that we've seen nationwide.

The New Mexico Department of Public Safety's "High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Program" released graphics indicating:

From 1999, when talking about National Drug-Related overdoses as a whole, there were less than 20,000 in 1999.

Meanwhile the numbers have steadily grown over the last two decades to a whopping 106,699 deaths associated to drug overdoses in 2021, nationwide.

When ABC-7's Paul Cicala asked Jennipher Talamantes if she could give a direct message to people who are dealing fentanyl to youngsters out there, what would she tell them, the grieving mother answered, "What if you were killing one of your own children? They don't know the pain that they cause parents who are losing their children or family. And, not until it happens to them, are they going to feel the pain."

And, -that pain- of a mourning mom's memories of that devastating day lingers on.

"It still seems like it was just yesterday.  So it doesn't get easy. It's still difficult," said Talamantes, "We really miss him."

If you would like to donate to "Fighting to Save Lives in the 915", just click on THIS LINK.

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Heart Gallery & Adoption Process Wed, 21 Aug 2024 01:17:00 +0000

EL PASO (KVIA) -- If you go to the Heart Gallery of El Paso website at you can see a handful of amazing kids who hope to find a forever home. Whether it's through nonprofits like Heart Gallery or not, Sylvia Pitcher, who works with Child Protective Services, breaks down what's required to adopt

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ABC-7's Paul Cicala blows bubbles with 2 sisters who hope to be adopted. They're featured on Heart Gallery of El Paso website

EL PASO (KVIA) -- If you go to the Heart Gallery of El Paso website at you can see a handful of amazing kids who hope to find a forever home.

Whether it's through nonprofits like Heart Gallery or not, Sylvia Pitcher, who works with Child Protective Services, breaks down what's required to adopt a kid.

"It's one to have the interest in becoming a foster parent," said Pitcher, "It's going through the orientation meeting, kind of getting an overview of everything, and from there were have a training class, we have background checks, we do a home check."

After that initial home check, Pitcher says they then conduct a home study project.

"So we ask you in-depth questions about your life and why you want to be doing this," said Pitcher.

Familes are usually asked to become foster partents first.

"If you're a foster parent and you're fostering a set of siblings or a child, and that child becomes legally free, then you're able to be that first choice in case you do want to adopt," said Pitcher

To start the process as a foster parent, you have to be 21-years-old and financially stable.

Heart Gallery El Paso is also made possible as an initiative of the Paso Del Norte Community Foundation, to promote adopting here in the borderland.

ABC-7 anchor Paul Cicala has done a number of segments on kids looking to be adopted, as KVIA continues to partner with the Heart Gallery, and will continue with these profiles in the upcoming weeks. Look out for the stories on ABC-7.

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“Xtra Depth”: Mother grieves for son lost to fentanyl, while she & DEA continue fight to prevent drug deaths Fri, 16 Aug 2024 05:11:11 +0000

EL PASO (KVIA) -- Fentanyl is a drug that's killing people in the El Paso and Las Cruces area at alarming rates. As officers continue to crack down on drug dealers, more people who've lost loved ones to fentanyl are also joining the fight. ABC-7's Paul Cicala caught up with Jennipher Talamantes Guerra, a grieving

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EL PASO (KVIA) -- Fentanyl is a drug that's killing people in the El Paso and Las Cruces area at alarming rates. As officers continue to crack down on drug dealers, more people who've lost loved ones to fentanyl are also joining the fight.

ABC-7's Paul Cicala caught up with Jennipher Talamantes Guerra, a grieving mother who's son tragically died from a fentanyl overdose, while she continues to raise awareness about the dangers of the drug in order to prevent other parents from experiencing the loss of a loved one.

It's been over four years since the death of her son, Jacob Talamantes, who took in a dose of fatal fentanyl poisoning.

"They told me that they had found my son deceased in a hotel," said Jennipher Talamantes, as she opened up about the day of her son's death on April 24th, 2020, "His so-called friends left him there to die. He had very little fentanyl in his system. Less than two milligrams."

It was enough fentanyl to be deadly, after she says that Jacob thought he was taking a percocet. However, the counterfeit drug was laced with fentanyl.

Towanda Thorne-James, Special Agent in Charge for DEA El Paso Division, said, "One pill can kill. Fentanyl is extremely dangerous."

Towanda Thorne-James says that traces of fenanyl are commonly found in prescription drugs that may derive from the streets, and -not- the pharmacies. .

"You should not take a pill that has not been prescribed to you by your doctor or a pharmacist," said Towanda.

Since the death of Jake Talamantes, just 25 years old, Jenipher Talamantes has begun the non-profit called "Fighting to Save Lives in the 915" to not only pay tribute to her son's life, but to reach out to parents through fentanyl awareness programs.

"It's so important that parents become aware of the dangers of fentanyl, and speak to their children," said Jenipher Talamantes.

She's warning families that fentanyl deaths aren't just relegated to drug-abusers on the streets, which is something echoed by Special Agent Thorne-James, who recommends parents to "Advise your children on the dangers of social media, because, this is what they're utilizing. It's a on one stop shop, so if you have a phone, then you have a drug dealer."  

DEA laboratory testing reveals that six out of ten fentanyl-laced fake prescription pills now contain a potentially lethal dose of fentanyl, and, Talamantes reiterated to ABC-7's Paul Cicala that "even college students dealing with stress can be exposed to fentanyl without knowing."

Talamantes adds, "It's not that they're drug addicts. They just took a xanax for anxiety. They just ran out of their xanax pill, and their friend happened to give them xanax that was laced with fentanyl."

Special Agent Thorne-James said, "People aren't only being poisoned by fentanyl. They don't even know they're taking it. They don't know that it's in every drug imaginable. They don't know that it's in cocaine, that it's in methamphetamine, that it's in marijuana." 

According to the El Paso County Attorney's office, deaths from fentanyl have risen gradually from 75 in 2021 to 79 in 2022 and 96 in 2023.

Southern New Mexico is also seeing a rise in fentanyl-related deaths.

According to the New Mexico Department of Public Safety's "High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Program", in 2021 there were 57 deaths linked to fentanyl.

In 2022, the number remained the same with 57 deaths, and in 2023, it rose to 61 people killed from fentanyl.

Towanda Thorne-James, Special Agent in Charge for DEA El Paso division, said "There is demand for the fentanyl and our priority is to save American lives, so we continue to focus on our outreach."

She says, the DEA is putting pressure on the organizations who control the fentanyl distribution.

Some strategies appear to be working, at least in the Las Cruces area, where the handing out of Narcan, the brand name for the drug Naloxone, can help revive someone who may have overdosed from fentanyl. Thorne-James tells ABC-7's Paul Cicala that it's helping to keep the deaths from having such a marked increase that we've seen nationwide.

The New Mexico Department of Public Safety's "High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Program" released graphics indicating:

From 1999, when talking about National Drug-Related overdoses as a whole, there were less than 20,000 in 1999.

Meanwhile the numbers have steadily grown over the last two decades to a whopping 106,699 deaths associated to drug overdoses in 2021, nationwide.

When ABC-7's Paul Cicala asked Jennipher Talamantes if she could give a direct message to people who are dealing fentanyl to youngsters out there, what would she tell them, the grieving mother answered, "What if you were killing one of your own children? They don't know the pain that they cause parents who are losing their children or family. And, not until it happens to them, are they going to feel the pain."

And, -that pain- of a mourning mom's memories of that devastating day lingers on.

"It still seems like it was just yesterday.  So it doesn't get easy. It's still difficult," said Talamantes, "We really miss him."

Wednesday, August 21st is National Fentanyl Prevention Awareness Day. Jennipher Talamantes will be in New York City on that day for a special ceremony to pay tribute to the lives lost from fentanyl. She says a picture of her son, Jake, will appear in time square, along with others.

If you would like to donate to "Fighting to Save Lives in the 915", just click on THIS LINK.

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“Fentanyl: A Mother’s Grief” to air Thursday on ABC-7 at 10 p.m. Wed, 14 Aug 2024 20:23:01 +0000

EL PASO (KVIA) - Fentanyl is a drug that's killing people in the El Paso and Las Cruces area at alarming rates. As officers continue to crack down on drug dealers, more people who've lost loved ones to fentanyl are also joining the fight. In a special report set for ABC-7 at 10 pm on

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EL PASO (KVIA) - Fentanyl is a drug that's killing people in the El Paso and Las Cruces area at alarming rates. As officers continue to crack down on drug dealers, more people who've lost loved ones to fentanyl are also joining the fight.

In a special report set for ABC-7 at 10 pm on Thursday, KVIA's Paul Cicala caught up with Jennipher Talamantes Guerra, a grieving mother who's son tragically died from a fentanyl overdose, while she continues to raise awareness about the dangers of the drug in order to prevent other parents from experiencing the loss of a loved one.

It's been over four years since the death of her son, Jacob Talamantes, who took in a dose of fatal fentanyl poisoning.

"They told me that they had found my son deceased in a hotel," said Jennipher Talamantes, as she opened up about the day of her son's death on April 24th, 2020, "His so-called friends left him there to die. He had very little fentanyl in his system. Less than two milligrams."

It was enough fentanyl to be deadly, after she says that Jacob thought he was taking a percocet. However, the counterfeit drug was laced with fentanyl.

Towanda Thorne-James, Special Agent in Charge for DEA El Paso Division, said, "One pill can kill. Fentanyl is extremely dangerous."

Towanda Thorne-James says that traces of fenanyl are commonly found in prescription drugs that may derive from the streets, and -not- the pharmacies. .

"You should not take a pill that has not been prescribed to you by your doctor or a pharmacist," said Towanda.

Since the death of Jake Talamantes, just 25 years old, Jenipher Talamantes has begun the non-profit called "Fighting to Save Lives in the 915" to not only pay tribute to her son's life, but to reach out to parents through fentanyl awareness programs.

"It's so important that parents become aware of the dangers of fentanyl, and speak to their children," said Jenipher Talamantes.

She's warning families that fentanyl deaths aren't just relegated to drug-abusers on the streets, which is something echoed by Special Agent Thorne-James, who recommends parents to "Advise your children on the dangers of social media, because, this is what they're utilizing. It's a on one stop shop, so if you have a phone, then you have a drug dealer."  

DEA laboratory testing reveals that six out of ten fentanyl-laced fake prescription pills now contain a potentially lethal dose of fentanyl, and, Talamantes reiterated to ABC-7's Paul Cicala that "even college students dealing with stress can be exposed to fentanyl without knowing."

Talamantes adds, "It's not that they're drug addicts. They just took a xanax for anxiety. They just ran out of their xanax pill, and their friend happened to give them xanax that was laced with fentanyl."

Special Agent Thorne-James said, "People aren't only being poisoned by fentanyl. They don't even know they're taking it. They don't know that it's in every drug imaginable. They don't know that it's in cocaine, that it's in methamphetamine, that it's in marijuana." 

According to the El Paso County Attorney's office, deaths from fentanyl have risen gradually from 75 in 2021 to 79 in 2022 and 96 in 2023.

Southern New Mexico is also seeing a rise in fentanyl-related deaths.

According to the New Mexico Department of Public Safety's "High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Program", in 2021 there were 57 deaths linked to fentanyl.

In 2022, the number remained the same with 57 deaths, and in 2023, it rose to 61 people killed from fentanyl.

Towanda Thorne-James, Special Agent in Charge for DEA El Paso division, said "There is demand for the fentanyl and our priority is to save American lives, so we continue to focus on our outreach."

She says, the DEA is putting pressure on the organizations who control the fentanyl distribution.

Some strategies appear to be working, at least in the Las Cruces area, where the handing out of Narcan, the brand name for the drug Naloxone, can help revive someone who may have overdosed from fentanyl. Thorne-James tells ABC-7's Paul Cicala that it's helping to keep the deaths from having such a marked increase that we've seen nationwide.

The New Mexico Department of Public Safety's "High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Program" released graphics indicating:

From 1999, when talking about National Drug-Related overdoses as a whole, there were less than 20,000 in 1999.

Meanwhile the numbers have steadily grown over the last two decades to a whopping 106,699 deaths associated to drug overdoses in 2021, nationwide.

When ABC-7's Paul Cicala asked Jenipher Talamantes if she could give a direct message to people who are dealing fentanyl to youngsters out there, what would she tell them, the grieving mother answered, "What if you were killing one of your own children? They don't know the pain that they cause parents who are losing their children or family. And, not until it happens to them, are they going to feel the pain."

And, -that pain- of a mourning mom's memories of that devastating day lingers on.

"It still seems like it was just yesterday.  So it doesn't get easy. It's still difficult," said Talamantes, "We really miss him."

Paul Cicala's special report "FENTANYL: A MOTHER'S GRIEF" will air on ABC-7 at 10 p.m. this Thursday.

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Big slide & “climber” at La Nube Children’s Museum in downtown El Paso Sat, 03 Aug 2024 03:11:54 +0000

EL PASO (KVIA) -- The "Anything's Possible Climber" is a featured attraction at El Paso's newest, multi-million dollar, state-of-the art museuem dedicated to Science. ABC-7's Paul Cicala was reliving his youth in a fun moment during his live shot, as he was on top of the "Climber", and decided to take the slide to the

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EL PASO (KVIA) -- The "Anything's Possible Climber" is a featured attraction at El Paso's newest, multi-million dollar, state-of-the art museuem dedicated to Science.

ABC-7's Paul Cicala was reliving his youth in a fun moment during his live shot, as he was on top of the "Climber", and decided to take the slide to the bottom level (among other things).

La Nube's website describes the Anything's Possible Climber Presented by Woody and Gayle Hunt Family Foundation, like this: "Our 50-foot climber spans all four stories of the center and features a wheelchair challenge course on the top level. Part art installation and part jungle gym, the climber is both a gross motor skills challenge and a study of geometry comprised of cylinders, dodecahedrons, spheres, and more.

ABC-7's Stephanie Valle, Paul Cicala & Doppler Dave anchored the newscasts live from La Nube. Along with interviewing Alysha Swann, La Nube's Director of Community Outreach & Special Programs, Paul Cicala showed everyone the "fun" and science related to making airplanes, among other things.

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El Paso’s “La Nube” uses paper airplanes to teach science at the “Fly High” exhibition Fri, 02 Aug 2024 01:45:00 +0000

EL PASO (KVIA) -- "La Nube" is El Paso's newest, multi-million dollar, state of the art museum. It's located in the heart of downtown. Inside, there are a number of exhibits and learning centers (including one entitled: Fly High). ABC-7's Stephanie Valle, Paul Cicala & Doppler Dave anchored the newscasts live from La Nube. Along

The post El Paso’s “La Nube” uses paper airplanes to teach science at the “Fly High” exhibition appeared first on KVIA.


EL PASO (KVIA) -- "La Nube" is El Paso's newest, multi-million dollar, state of the art museum. It's located in the heart of downtown.

Inside, there are a number of exhibits and learning centers (including one entitled: Fly High).

ABC-7's Stephanie Valle, Paul Cicala & Doppler Dave anchored the newscasts live from La Nube. Along with interviewing Alysha Swann, La Nube's Director of Community Outreach & Special Programs, Paul Cicala showed everyone the "fun" and science related to making airplanes, among other things.

As described on La Nube's website: "Unlock your creativity by designing paper airplanes and testing them in our Air Space testing facility over a model of the Franklin Mountains! Learn how to calculate air pressure with our rocket launchers. Enjoy air-powered art installations to understand airflow and discover how gravity changes across planets for an imaginative journey."

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Wal Mart Shooting 5-year anniversary: Paying tribute to Memo Garcia through daughter’s quinceañera Tue, 30 Jul 2024 05:00:55 +0000

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- The pain of the mass shooting lingers on for the family of Guillermo "Memo" Garcia, who died from his injuries around nine months after being shot by the Wal Mart shooter. Memo's widow, Jessica Garcia, was also shot that day, August 3, 2019, however, she survived her injuries. Meanwhile, Memo's

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EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- The pain of the mass shooting lingers on for the family of Guillermo "Memo" Garcia, who died from his injuries around nine months after being shot by the Wal Mart shooter.

Memo's widow, Jessica Garcia, was also shot that day, August 3, 2019, however, she survived her injuries.

Meanwhile, Memo's daughter, Karina Garcia, continues to pay tribute to her father every day, like she did at her quinceañera back in December.

Karina Garcia wasn't going to let the death of her dad keep her from still taking part in the "father-daughter" dance at her quinceañera, as she held the urn with his ashes tightly, while also holding back tears.

"In the father-daughter dance, it was so different, because I had already been in so many quince's, and to see everyone got to dance with their dad, it just hit different, because when it came to my time, I did, but, I didn't," said Karina Garcia, who didn't get to experience that proud moment that she and her dad had talked about for years: Father & Daughter, bonding.. dancing.. holding eachother tight.

 "I didn't get to feel him hug me or anything, and I had to carry him, and at the end of the day, he was still there," said Karina, as she sat down with ABC-7's Paul Cicala in front of a picture of her father in the family dining room on El Paso's East side. 

"The colors that (Memo) picked were his favorite colors, (Karina's) favorite colors," said Jessica Garcia, as she talked fondly about her husband, "The day that we (had the quinceañera) was the day that he wanted. The style of the quinceañera and theme was what he and her had always said they wanted, so trying to honor him and keep his memory alive was the most important thing, but, it's empty. I can only do so much and he's still not here."

When asked what her emotions are like approaching the 5-year anniversary of the mass-shooting, Jessica Garcia said, "It's crazy how fast and slow time has gone by. It's gone by fast because I look at my kids and they're older, and I realize how much Memo has missed out. In terms of the quinceañera, am I keeping his memory alive?" 

Karina says her mission is to always keep her dad's memory alive.

"He wasn't selfish, and he cared for everyone," said Karina, "He looked like he could look scary, but, he was the kindest person you could ever meet. I feel like it's the memory everyone should remember." 

Remember a proud coach.. proud husband...proud papá.

Continue to Rest In Peace, Guillermo "Memo: Garcia (Also known as "Tank").

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El Paso Children’s Hospital treats sick kids to “Holiday in July” Parade: UTEP athletes take part Fri, 26 Jul 2024 21:06:16 +0000

EL PASO (KVIA) -- As she glanced up with a look of admiration while still connected to medical devices alongside of her, 9-year-old Kareli Teran waved to UTEP basketall players who made a special visit to the El Paso Children's hospital. They were part of a holiday-themed parade down the halls of the hospital, complete

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EL PASO (KVIA) -- As she glanced up with a look of admiration while still connected to medical devices alongside of her, 9-year-old Kareli Teran waved to UTEP basketall players who made a special visit to the El Paso Children's hospital.

They were part of a holiday-themed parade down the halls of the hospital, complete with Santa Clause, as hospital staff dressed in costumes, along with scores of volunteers. They handed out candy and marched through the various floors of the El Paso Children's Hospital parade-style.

"I think (Santa) went from the North Pole to (here) in El Paso," said little Kareli, "I'm Happy, so, happy."

It was a very special day for dozens of kids at the El Paso Children's Hospital, who got a break from their stresses of being sick, or recovering from ailments and surgery, to see a holiday-like parade from their rooms.

Nicolle Boik, a Child Life Specialist at El Paso Children's Hospital, said, "It's an opportunity to bring joy and normalcy, because kids are used to doing fun things, and we need to bring that here."

Miss El Paso, Miss El Paso-teen, and Miss El Paso La Feria, all joined in to put smiles on kids faces.

"It's a really rewarding experience," said Jacqueline Piña, Miss El Paso La Feria.

UTEP basketball players and cheerleaders also joined in the parade.

11-year-old patient Santiago Torres, told ABC-7's Paul Cicala, who also volunteers at the hospital on a weekly basis, "It was reaallly cool to see characters dressup like the Mandalorian and in Star Wars stuff. I loved the costumes they wore."


People, Places & Paul stories air periodically at KVIA ABC-7 to show all the positivity in the borderland.

To see more stories from Paul Cicala & "People, Places & Paul", you can go to

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Justice Department’s statement on El Paso arrest of Co-Founder of Sinaloa Cartel (Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada) Fri, 26 Jul 2024 01:36:23 +0000

EL PASO (KVIA) -- The Justice Department has released a statement on the arrest of the co-founder of the Sinaloa Cartel, who was taken into custory in El Paso, TX on Thursday. Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada helped found the Sinaloa Cartel alongside of Chapo Guzman, who's son was also arrested. In a release, the Justice

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EL PASO (KVIA) -- The Justice Department has released a statement on the arrest of the co-founder of the Sinaloa Cartel, who was taken into custory in El Paso, TX on Thursday. Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada helped found the Sinaloa Cartel alongside of Chapo Guzman, who's son was also arrested.

In a release, the Justice Department issued the following statement from Attorney General Merrick B. Garland on the arrests of alleged leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel, Ismael Zambada Garcia (El Mayo) and Joaquin Guzman Lopez:

“The Justice Department has taken into custody two additional alleged leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel, one of the most violent and powerful drug trafficking organizations in the world. Ismael Zambada Garcia, or “El Mayo,” cofounder of the Cartel, and Joaquin Guzman Lopez, a son of its other cofounder, were arrested today in El Paso, Texas. 

KVIA contributor Luis Chaparro, who specializes in border and drug-related issues, will be a special guest tonight on ABC-7 at 10 p.m. in "Xtra Depth". Chaparro is also a reporter for the Puente News Collaborative. You can see Luis Chaparro's content on mafioso-related themes and border issues HERE.

The U.S. Department of Justice release goes on to say: "Both men are facing multiple charges in the United States for leading the Cartel’s criminal operations, including its deadly fentanyl manufacturing and trafficking networks. 

"El Mayo and Guzman Lopez join a growing list of Sinaloa Cartel leaders and associates who the Justice Department is holding accountable in the United States. That includes the Cartel’s other cofounder, Joaquin Guzman Loera, or “El Chapo”; another of El Chapo’s sons and an alleged Cartel leader, Ovidio Guzman Lopez; and the Cartel’s alleged lead sicario, Néstor Isidro Pérez Salas, or “El Nini.”

"Fentanyl is the deadliest drug threat our country has ever faced, and the Justice Department will not rest until every single cartel leader, member, and associate responsible for poisoning our communities is held accountable.”

KVIA, ABC-7 will bring you continued updates on the arrest of Mayo Zambada and one of Chapo Guzman's sons in El Paso when information comes to the desk.

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El Paso/Las Cruces & nation’s reaction to Biden Dropping Out of Presidencial Race Mon, 22 Jul 2024 05:19:32 +0000

El Paso, TX (KVIA) - From El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser, to New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, to Donald Trump, a number of borderland leaders and people nationwide from all political spectrums reacted to the news of President Joe Biden announcing he will -not- seek reelection.

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ABC-7 brings you complete coverage of President Biden's announcement -not- to seek a second term

El Paso, TX (KVIA) - From El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser, to New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, to Donald Trump, a number of borderland leaders and people nationwide from all political spectrums reacted to the news of President Joe Biden announcing he will -not- seek reelection.

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No more abuse for these siblings after being adopted: Heart Gallery & mission to find forever home for kids Tue, 16 Jul 2024 03:10:14 +0000

EL PASO - The dream of any kid is to grow up in a loving, supporting home.  As part of a program called "Heart gallery of El Paso", KVIA continues to profile some amazing children in the borderland who want to be adopted. Twelve-year-old Joshua Rodriguez held back tears as he talked about the suffering he and his

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EL PASO - The dream of any kid is to grow up in a loving, supporting home.  As part of a program called "Heart gallery of El Paso", KVIA continues to profile some amazing children in the borderland who want to be adopted.

Twelve-year-old Joshua Rodriguez held back tears as he talked about the suffering he and his three siblings endured before being adopted. 

"I've been not safe, because of my dad, not feeding me," said Joshua, as he referred to his biological father, and opened up to ABC-7's anchor Paul Cicala.  Joshua is the oldest of four siblings who overcame an abusive home.  However, now, it's official: They were adopted!

The Heart Gallery of El Paso's mission is to help kids get adopted.  This particular adoption wasn't done this this non-profit, however, the Heart Gallery of El Paso helped facilitate the story we could provide viewers a first-hand look at the joys and emotions involved with an official adoption ceremony. 

Valeria Contreras, the Executive Director of the Heart Gallery of El Paso, said "The Heart Gallery of El Paso aims to elevate the stories of exceptional youth in our community in hopes of connecting these kids with families able to adopt them. If you'd like to learn more about the adoption process, please email and we can connect you with the Texas Department of Families and Protective Services (TXDFPS) to guide you through the adoption process." 

Alicia and Jaime Rodriguez became the proud parents of the 4 siblings.

"My parents provided me an amazing childhood, and I still talk about it and I'm almost 50.  I still talk about my childhood, and I want them to have the same," said Rodriguez immediately after the adoption ceremony took place.   

 Now, Joshua can also feel the security of being with a loving family.

"My job was to keep my brothers and my sister safe," said Joshua.

The three others being adopted include: 6-year-old June, 8-year-old Joseph, and 11-year-old Ely. 

If you'd like to learn more about adopting, and see profiles on kids in the Heart Gallery of El Paso, you can go to their website:

The non-profit is part of an initiative of the Paso Del Norte Community Foundation to promote adoption -right here- in the borderland. 

 KVIA Anchor Paul Cicala will profile a kid who's hoping to be adopted every month in a special segment with the Heart Gallery of El Paso.  You can look out for the stories on upcoming broadcasts of ABC-7 at 6 p.m.

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4 children overcome abuse to be adopted: Heart Gallery & KVIA’s spotlight on Rodriguez kids Mon, 15 Jul 2024 21:46:16 +0000

EL PASO - The dream of any kid is to grow up in a loving, supporting home.  As part of a program called "Heart gallery of El Paso", KVIA continues to profile some amazing children in the borderland who want to be adopted. Twelve-year-old Joshua Rodriguez held back tears as he talked about the suffering he and his

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Heart Gallery Rodriguez Kids
Rodriguez kids celebrate after adoption ceremony in downtown El Paso

EL PASO - The dream of any kid is to grow up in a loving, supporting home.  As part of a program called "Heart gallery of El Paso", KVIA continues to profile some amazing children in the borderland who want to be adopted.

Twelve-year-old Joshua Rodriguez held back tears as he talked about the suffering he and his three siblings endured before being adopted. 

"I've been not safe, because of my dad, not feeding me," said Joshua, as he referred to his biological father.  Joshua is the oldest of four siblings who overcame an abusive home.  However, now, it's official: They were adopted!

ABC-7's was invited to the official adoption ceremony, and in a special report tonight (Monday) at in our 10 pm newscast, Paul Cicala will bring you the amazing story of this group of siblings, and finding their forever homes. 

The Heart Gallery of El Paso's mission is to help kids get adopted.  This particular adoption wasn't done this this non-profit, however, the Heart Gallery of El Paso helped facilitate the story we could provide viewers a first-hand look at the joys and emotions involved with an official adoption ceremony. 

Valeria Contreras, the Executive Director of the Heart Gallery of El Paso, said "The Heart Gallery of El Paso aims to elevate the stories of exceptional youth in our community in hopes of connecting these kids with families able to adopt them. If you'd like to learn more about the adoption process, please email and we can connect you with the Texas Department of Families and Protective Services (TXDFPS) to guide you through the adoption process." 

Alicia and Jaime Rodriguez became the proud parents of the 4 siblings.

"My parents provided me an amazing childhood, and I still talk about it and I'm almost 50.  I still talk about my childhood, and I want them to have the same," said Rodriguez immediately after the adoption ceremony took place.   

 Now, Joshua can also feel the security of being with a loving family.

"My job was to keep my brothers and my sister safe," said Joshua.

The three others being adopted include: 6-year-old June, 8-year-old Joseph, and 11-year-old Ely. 

If you'd like to learn more about adopting, and see profiles on kids in the Heart Gallery of El Paso, you can go to their website:

The non-profit is part of an initiative of the Paso Del Norte Community Foundation to promote adoption -right here- in the borderland. 

 KVIA Anchor Paul Cicala will profile a kid who's hoping to be adopted every month in a special segment with the Heart Gallery of El Paso.  You can look out for the stories on upcoming broadcasts of ABC-7 at 6 p.m.

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4 kids overcome abuse to be adopted: Spotlight on the Rodriguez kids Fri, 12 Jul 2024 21:56:32 +0000

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- The dream of any kid is to grow up in a loving, supporting home.  As part of a program called "Heart gallery of El Paso," KVIA continues to profile some amazing children in the borderland who want to be adopted. Twelve-year-old Joshua Rodriguez held back tears as he talked about the suffering he

The post 4 kids overcome abuse to be adopted: Spotlight on the Rodriguez kids appeared first on KVIA.


EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- The dream of any kid is to grow up in a loving, supporting home.  As part of a program called "Heart gallery of El Paso," KVIA continues to profile some amazing children in the borderland who want to be adopted.

Twelve-year-old Joshua Rodriguez held back tears as he talked about the suffering he and his three siblings endured before being adopted.

"I've been not safe, because of my dad, not feeding me," said Joshua, as he referred to his biological father.  Joshua is the oldest of four siblings who overcame an abusive home.  However, now, it's official: They were adopted!

ABC-7's was invited to the official adoption ceremony, and in a special report on Monday at 6 pm, we'll bring you the amazing story of this group of siblings, and finding their forever homes. 

The Heart Gallery of El Paso's mission is to help kids get adopted.  This particular adoption wasn't done this this non-profit, however, the Heart Gallery of El Paso helped facilitate the story we could provide viewers a first-hand look at the joys and emotions involved with an official adoption ceremony. 

Valeria Contreras, the Executive Director of the Heart Gallery of El Paso, said "The Heart Gallery of El Paso aims to elevate the stories of exceptional youth in our community in hopes of connecting these kids with families able to adopt them. If you'd like to learn more about the adoption process, please email and we can connect you with the Texas Department of Families and Protective Services (TXDFPS) to guide you through the adoption process." 

Alicia and Jaime Rodriguez became the proud parents of the 4 siblings.

"My parents provided me an amazing childhood, and I still talk about it and I'm almost 50.  I still talk about my childhood, and I want them to have the same," said Rodriguez immediately after the adoption ceremony took place.   

Now, Joshua can also feel the security of being with a loving family.

"My job was to keep my brothers and my sister safe," said Joshua.

The three others being adopted include: 6-year-old June, 8-year-old Joseph, and 11-year-old Ely. 

If you'd like to learn more about adopting, and see profiles on kids in the Heart Gallery of El Paso, you can go to their website:

The non-profit is part of an initiative of the Paso Del Norte Community Foundation to promote adoption -right here- in the Borderland.

KVIA Anchor Paul Cicala will profile a kid who's hoping to be adopted every month in a special segment with the Heart Gallery of El Paso.  You can look out for the stories on upcoming broadcasts of ABC-7 at 6 p.m.

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El Paso mom in Houston for daughter’s cancer treatment stuck in Hurricane Beryl, desperate to return to identify her two children who died in a car crash Tue, 09 Jul 2024 03:41:34 +0000

HUDSPETH COUNTY, TX (KVIA) -- Five people are confirmed dead in the Sunday crash outside of Fort Hancock, including four children. The family of the deceased, have set up a gofundme page, and you can help by clicking on this link. They identify the deceased as 28-year-old El Pasoan Abigail Martinez, a 10-year-old boy, a

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HUDSPETH COUNTY, TX (KVIA) -- Five people are confirmed dead in the Sunday crash outside of Fort Hancock, including four children. The family of the deceased, have set up a gofundme page, and you can help by clicking on this link.

They identify the deceased as 28-year-old El Pasoan Abigail Martinez, a 10-year-old boy, a 9-year-old girl, and a 3-year-old girl, and a 6-year-old boy. Texas DPS officials have not identified the minors.

ABC-7's Paul Cicala spoke with loved ones of the family, who shared with KVIA that Abigail Martinez and the four kids were driving back from Houston, where they were visiting Abigail's sister, Cristina Martinez.

Cristina Martinez had been in Houston for several weeks with her daughter, who was there to receive treatment for cancer.

The two girls that died in the crash were Cristina Martinez's daughters. Cristina Martinez is trying desperately to get back to the El Paso area so she can officially identify her kids, nephews and sister (Abigail) who died in the crash. However, because of Hurricane Beryl sweeping through Houston, they are stuck.

"(Cristina Martinez) is trying to get back, but because of the hurricane, there's no flights right now," said Jerry Marquez, who worked with Cristina and Abigail Martinez for several years, "We were talking a while ago when the little boy passed away, Abigail's son, and, she texted us back that she just had 5 percent left on her phone, and no way to charge it, and, she just wants to be with her family. This is a tremendous pain, she said 'I just want to be with my daughters.' She needs to come home and see them, and identify them. "

Jerry Marquez says that the two boys who died in the crash are Abigail Martinez's sons, and the two girls who passed away in the wreck were the daughters of Cristina Martinez.

As mentioned, the last living daughter of Cristina Martinez is with her in Houston as they're stranded because of the hurricane that swept through. The daughter just completed her medical stay for cancer in Houston, and was set to come back to the El Paso/Juarez area.

Once again, here's a link to the gofundme page.

Investigators say the car was traveling west on I-10 when Martinez drove off the road and into the median. She then over corrected and lost control of the car, investigators say. Her car came to rest on the frontage road. The investigation is still ongoing, police say.

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Xtra Depth: Ruidoso residents scramble for insurance for predicted floods & mudslides after wildfires cause “ashy” & murky river Thu, 27 Jun 2024 04:47:38 +0000

Ruidoso, NM (KVIA) -- The road to recovery for people who've lost their homes in the wildfires in Ruidoso and the surrounding area will take months, if not years. Insurance claims are already in motion, but, property owners whose homes did survive the wildfire still have more worries: mudslides and flash flooding. As we've documented

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standing in murky river
ABC-7's Paul Cicala shows you how dark, murky & "ashy" the river in Ruidoso has become because of wildfires

Ruidoso, NM (KVIA) -- The road to recovery for people who've lost their homes in the wildfires in Ruidoso and the surrounding area will take months, if not years.

Insurance claims are already in motion, but, property owners whose homes did survive the wildfire still have more worries: mudslides and flash flooding.

As we've documented in other KVIA stories, the rivers and arroyos in the area -in- and -near- Ruidoso are black from all of the ashes that are coming downstream from the wildfires.

The chances of flooding have increased drastically without the pine trees and vegetation that help absorb water from the rain.

As viewers were able to see HERE, in this video, ABC-7's Paul Cicala show you how "mucky" the water in the river alongside Ruidoso's main strip is, as a result of the debris from the wildfires.

The Ruidoso Village Facebook page is warning that most National Flood Insurance Program Policy holders will have to wait 30 days after applying and paying their premium for coverage to become effective.

The page explains one exception (known as the "Post-Wildfire Exception.")

It will "retroactively reduce the waiting period for the initial purchase of a flood insurance policy to one day if certain conditions are met."

ABC-7's Paul Cicala caught up in Ruidoso with a spokesperson for State Farm, who also explained "what's next" for homeowners who've lost their homes or belongings as a result of the wilfires.

"We're in the process now of having our claim reps get out there to help our customers.  We currently have close to 400 claims that have been reported thus far from the fire," said Dave Phillips, a spokesperson for State Farm, "More than half are total losses, which means they are completely burnt to the crowd, so what we're doing now is making contact with these policy holders... and sorting the process of assigning the claim rep to take a look at handling, to work with their agent to get things such as additional living expenses, which will provide temporary housing and temporary lodging as you continue to adjust and begin the claim process to get build back to where you were before the fire."

ABC-7's Paul Cicala was in the Ruidoso area covering the wildfires on Thursday through Tuesday, and you can find the in-depth stories he did alongside photographers Jerry Najera & Miguel Favela from that region at:

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Ruidoso’s Downshift Brewing Co. & El Paso native’s quest to overcome wildfires Thu, 27 Jun 2024 02:41:32 +0000

Ruidoso, NM (KVIA) -- Most businesses in the Ruidoso, New Mexico area were forced to shut down for at least a week after a mandatory evacuation order hit the village last week. However, "Downshift Brewing Company" kept its doors open to first responders and others who remained in the village, even as the South Fork

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Ruidoso, NM (KVIA) -- Most businesses in the Ruidoso, New Mexico area were forced to shut down for at least a week after a mandatory evacuation order hit the village last week. However, "Downshift Brewing Company" kept its doors open to first responders and others who remained in the village, even as the South Fork Wildfire was edging dangerously close to Ruidoso's main strip.

"We've been boots on the ground," said Eddie Gutierrez, a co-owner of the popular bar and eatery, "You know, we're not new to these wilfires. The McBride Fire a few years ago was quite devstating as well, and we saw how that affected our business, so we're definitely concerned about what's on the horizon," said Gutierrez.

Another co-owner, James Rupley, is a proud native of El Paso and a graduate of Eastwood High School. 

"It's really tough," said Rupley as he held back tears while opening up to ABC-7 anchor Paul Cicala, "You're head is like cloudy."

Rupley said that, when it comes to how difficult it's been to see so many homes and businesses in the region becoming charred from the fire.

"(It's) mostly just not having everyone here. We're very worried.  Everything is gonna' change no matter what, because, from lodging to just the uncertainty that people may have, some people may not even have a clue that anything has ever happened and they just show up, and the other ones are just gonna' show up and evaluate the situation."

Rupley, Gutierrez and others from Downshift Brewing Company will continue to keep their doors open while the rebuilding continues in Ruidoso.

Part of the establishment's property is on the Ruidoso River, which is just below the structure. Right now, the water flowing through the river is far-from-clear. It's very black due to the ashes and other sediment going downstream from where the wildfires ravaged through the mountains.

While KVIA, ABC-7 was editing the story on businesses affected by the wildfires, a town leader by the name of Logan Fleharty walked in.

He's been working tirelessly to help those displaced make sure they know how their evacuated homes are doing. Fleharty said, "I am working tirelessly to give back to animals, humans and feed people's soul with positive energy while trying to keep people spirits up. I’m working with so many people to raise funds. We just hit $65,000 off of just my efforts alone."

Fleharty told ABC-7's Paul Cicala, "I am giving 100% proceeds back to the victims of this fire. I love all of my community. I am trying my best to give back and I can’t stop, and won’t stop helping my fellow neighbor.

If you'd like to help Flaherty in his efforts to aid victims and others in Ruidoso, you can find him on his Instagram page of: @loganfle

In addition, Flaherty can be reached via e-mail at:

ABC-7's Paul Cicala was in the Ruidoso area covering the wildfires on Thursday through Tuesday, and you can find the in-depth stories he did alongside photographers Jerry Najera & Miguel Favela from that region at:

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El Paso native’s business suffers because of Ruidoso Wildfires Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:28:53 +0000

RUIDOSO, NM (KVIA) -- Downshift Breweries Company is located in the heart of the Village of Ruidoso.  One of the owners, James Rupley, is a proud native of El Paso and a graduate of Eastwood High School.  His business has remained partially open over the last week to help service first responders and others in this

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RUIDOSO, NM (KVIA) -- Downshift Breweries Company is located in the heart of the Village of Ruidoso.  One of the owners, James Rupley, is a proud native of El Paso and a graduate of Eastwood High School.  His business has remained partially open over the last week to help service first responders and others in this area.

However, when it comes to tourist revenue, the owners have had to tough because, obviously, there are no customers.

"It's really tough," said Rupley as he held back tears while opening up to ABC-7 anchor Paul Cicala, "You're head is like cloudy."

Downshift Brewing Company has lost thousands of dollars without tourists coming into the region for the last week because of the wildfires in the region.

"We've been boots on the ground," said Eddie Gutierrez, a co-owner of the popular bar and eatery.

"You know, we're not new to these wilfires. The McBride Fire a few years ago was quite devstating as well, and we saw how that affected our business, so we're definitely concerned about what's on the horizon," said Gutierrez.

Rupley said that, when it comes to how difficult it's been to see so many homes and businesses in the region becoming charred from the fire.

"(It's) mostly just not having everyone here. We're very worried.  Everything is gonna' change no matter what, because, from lodging to just the uncertainty that people may have, some people may not even have a clue that anything has ever happened and they just show up, and the other ones are just gonna' show up and evaluate the situation."

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Wood artist suffers effects of Ruidoso wildfires Tue, 25 Jun 2024 22:26:25 +0000

RUIDOSO, NM (KVIA) -- Scores of business owners have lost thousands of dollars since the Wildfires began in the region in and around Ruidoso. Michael Free, owner of "Free Designs", along Highway 70 in Ruidoso, has been cutting his wooden art that reflects elements of the forest for decades.  However, he's literally gone a week without

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RUIDOSO, NM (KVIA) -- Scores of business owners have lost thousands of dollars since the Wildfires began in the region in and around Ruidoso.

Michael Free, owner of "Free Designs", along Highway 70 in Ruidoso, has been cutting his wooden art that reflects elements of the forest for decades.  However, he's literally gone a week without a customer because of the closures to the town and the lack of tourists as the wildfires continue.

"It's our busiest season right here," said Free, with his chainsaw in hand, "June July and August is our busiest season.  You new know what you're gonna' make."

Free tells ABC-7 he estimates thousands of dollars of lost revenue, if not tens of thousands.

"The week before the money I made 3 thousand dollars," said Free, "It's good money.  It -was- (good money)."

Free estimated the term "was" because he fears it may not be the same in the future as tourists may be hesitant to return to Ruidoso after the wildfires.

"It's horrible, man," said Free. "There's gonna be a lot of (businesses) closed. They're all in trouble. We're all in trouble right now. It's gonna' come back, but, it's gonna' take a long, long time."

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Ruidoso businesses welcome back evacuees as wildfires continue Mon, 24 Jun 2024 23:13:06 +0000

Ruidoso, NM (KVIA) – Employees at Anaheim Jacks restaurant on Ruidoso's main business strip have worked diligently for the last week to serve first responders and others who are in the region battling the South Fork Fire, which burned down a number of businesses in the village. "The stores were closed, they couldn't get food,

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Ruidoso, NM (KVIA) – Employees at Anaheim Jacks restaurant on Ruidoso's main business strip have worked diligently for the last week to serve first responders and others who are in the region battling the South Fork Fire, which burned down a number of businesses in the village.

"The stores were closed, they couldn't get food, the power was out, the food they did have, it went bad," said Scott Stevens, who owns Anaheim Jacks along with his wife Lisa.  They roughed it out to keep the place open and provide warm meals to firefighters, officers and others, while most of the rest of the town had left due to evacuation orders.

On Monday, Stevens and his employees were thrilled to welcome back longtime customers who were allowed to return to their homes.

"We've got a long way to go to see it going back to what it used to be, but, we're happy to see the residents come back," said Stevens.

 When asked how difficult it's been for the Stevens family to see so much destruction in this region, he answered, "It's tough.  (The South Fork Wildfire) took all of some of the prettiest places in Ruidoso (like) Cedar Creek, Musket ball, a lot of the upper canyon, those were beautiful spots, and it's gonna' be a while until they're pretty again. "

Still... Life goes on at Anaheim Jacks as the rebuilding process begins for the village of Ruidoso. 

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Ruidoso evacuee fortunate to return to undamaged home Mon, 24 Jun 2024 23:09:36 +0000

RUIDOSO, NM (KVIA) – "We're home baby," said Mimi Davis to her doggie Leela as she arrived back to her Ruidoso cabin for the first time since being forced to evacuate over a week ago. The longtime El Paso soccer coach moved to Ruidoso after retiring, and feels fortunate that her home survived the wildfires. 

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RUIDOSO, NM (KVIA) – "We're home baby," said Mimi Davis to her doggie Leela as she arrived back to her Ruidoso cabin for the first time since being forced to evacuate over a week ago.

The longtime El Paso soccer coach moved to Ruidoso after retiring, and feels fortunate that her home survived the wildfires. 

Davis said, "You don't know how heartbreaking that is (to see others lose their homes)."

As she holds her dog tightly, Davis described the harrowing moments she was forced to evacuate, as the wildfires got dangerously close to Ruidoso.

"I was at the center for senior citizens, having lunch with all of us old people, and playing cards, when we got the word that this fire had started," said Davis.

Davis said there was no direct route available to head to El Paso, so she drove towards Roswell, and later to West Texas, until returning to the Ruidoso area.

"My electricity was on and my gas was on, and it was a sight of relief," said Davis as she first opened the door to her cabin in Ruidoso on Monday, "(I thought) 'thank you dear god' for keeping me out of this fire."

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Mescalero Apache’s hardships from wildfires & woman’s emotions run high at shelter Sat, 22 Jun 2024 18:33:15 +0000

MESCALERO APACHE RESERVATION, New Mexico (KVIA) -- The wildfires near Ruidoso have devastated the lands that are native to the Mescalero Apache Tribe. Some tribal members have had to flee to shelters in Alamogordo to seek refuge. One woman opened up to ABC-7 anchor Paul Cicala about the hardships of being displaced from home, and

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mescalero apache

MESCALERO APACHE RESERVATION, New Mexico (KVIA) -- The wildfires near Ruidoso have devastated the lands that are native to the Mescalero Apache Tribe. Some tribal members have had to flee to shelters in Alamogordo to seek refuge. One woman opened up to ABC-7 anchor Paul Cicala about the hardships of being displaced from home, and away from family members while the wildfires ravage native territory.

"Where we live, we could just see the flames and the smoke, and all of the slurry airplanes just flying real low across our house. We were scared," said Sidonia Mailelle, as she explained the moments people in Mescalero, NM had to evacuate because of the encroaching wildfires, "It's beautiful land, and this is where we come from, and this is what we grow as people.  we count on the land, for food and shelter, it's very emotional."

Richard Hernandez, an associate pastor at Mountain View Church in Alamogordo, where they are sheltering many evacuees like Mailelle, said, "It goes from tears to (sniffles) to total breakdownbs, and that's even us trying to serve the community and be here for people."

Most of the shelters are in Roswell, New Mexico. However, the Mescalero Apache are also hosting tribal and non-tribal evacuees at their community center.

However, because of necessity at the time the fire began to get closer to the Mescalero village, Mailelle said she and her family fled to Alamogordo, in order to escape and get to low land. She's stayed at Mountain View Church instead of heading to the Mescalero Apache shelter because, "They've been helpful with everything. The even through a birthday party for my nephew."


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Xtra Depth: El Paso influencers Go Viral After “Chelito’s Burger Challenge” Sat, 22 Jun 2024 18:13:44 +0000

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- A duo of El Paso influencers have left their jobs as a lawyer and salesman to concentrate full time on continuing their efforts of being the top content creators for local social media, all-the-while, bringing thousands of eyeballs right here to the 9-1-5 by focusing on all the positives we

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Chelito's Challenge Burger.00_02_43_23.Still002
Gerardo Najera
ABC-7's Paul Cicala attempts the "Chelito's Burger Challenge" alongside a content creator from "De La Story"

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- A duo of El Paso influencers have left their jobs as a lawyer and salesman to concentrate full time on continuing their efforts of being the top content creators for local social media, all-the-while, bringing thousands of eyeballs right here to the 9-1-5 by focusing on all the positives we have in the borderland.

Recently, one of the reels from "De La Story" went viral (with nearly one million views), and brought even more positive attention to El Paso. In another edition of "People, Places & Paul", ABC-7 anchor Paul Cicala followed in the footsteps of others in De La Story's viral video, by also taking the Chelito's Burger Challenge. You can see an extended version of his story here.

The challenge takes place on Thursday's at Chelito's Restaurant, on El Paso's West Side. You can get the food for free, if you can meet the challenge of eating the following within 30 minutes:

-9 Burger Patties, 9 slices of yellow cheese, 9 slices of white cheese, 18 bacons, all the condiments, two large buns that sandwhich everything together, along with a humongous plate of fries and a Mexican-brand soda.

On ABC-7, Paul Cicala took the "Chelito's Burger Challenge".. and introduced viewers to "De La Story", a group of content creators who are taking social media (and the internet) by storm through their Instagram & TikTok posts that are dedicated to showing the borderland (and beyond) that there are plenty of fun places to visit, eateries to check out & things to do in the El Paso area.

You can find De La Story's instagram account at:

De La Story's Tik Tok can be found at:

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Longtime El Pasoan deals with loss of cabin charred in wildfires in Ruidoso Fri, 21 Jun 2024 23:03:02 +0000

RUIDOSO, NM (KVIA) -- Former KVIA employee Eric Huseby is dealing with the loss of his cabin in Ruidoso, after the South Fork Fire swept through. "I was just kind of numb," said Huseby, as he described what went through his head the moment he learned his cabin was burned down. Huseby says, even though

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RUIDOSO, NM (KVIA) -- Former KVIA employee Eric Huseby is dealing with the loss of his cabin in Ruidoso, after the South Fork Fire swept through.

"I was just kind of numb," said Huseby, as he described what went through his head the moment he learned his cabin was burned down.

Huseby says, even though some structures were spared near his cabin, the buildings belonging to his immediate neighbors also went up in flames.

"I feel very fortunate, this was a rental property, but, other people they've lost their only home, and they've lost all of their possessions in it, and there was nothing too terribly sentimental in a rental cabin," said Huseby, "All your pictures of your family and things were with us where you live, and not there, so, other people have ti much worse and our hearts go out to them."

The New Mexico State police continue to turn away cabin owners like Huseby from visiting their properties after the wildfire roared through parts of Ruidoso. Law enforcement is blocking off the roads for safety reason.

The for

The former El Pasoan tells ABC-7 it'll be difficult to rebuild, however, he hopes to make a new cabin similar to what was there before the fire.

"It's tough because it truly was a labor of love. We spent thousands of hours just building decks and rockwayas and putting in flooring over the course of 15 years of continual improvement, and it's gone in an instant," said Huseby, who's confident Ruidoso will overcome these wildfires, with many of the structures in the village spared by the wildfires.

"I'm really encouraged there may be a lot for people to come back to," said Huseby.

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Ruidoso residents learning about their ruined homes Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:21:56 +0000

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El Paso’s Coach Reichman fears his home in Ruidoso is hit by the wildfires Wed, 19 Jun 2024 05:22:34 +0000

RUIDOSO, New Mexico (KVIA) -- Former state champion soccer coach Bruce Reichman, who's retired from his job as an educator at Del Valle High School, tells ABC-7 that he thinks there's "more of a chance than not" that his family's cabin in Ruidoso has been hit by the "South Fork" wildfire. "It's so hard because

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RUIDOSO, New Mexico (KVIA) -- Former state champion soccer coach Bruce Reichman, who's retired from his job as an educator at Del Valle High School, tells ABC-7 that he thinks there's "more of a chance than not" that his family's cabin in Ruidoso has been hit by the "South Fork" wildfire.

"It's so hard because we're two and a half hours away," said Reichman as he opened up to ABC-7 anchor Paul Cicala from his home in East El Paso.

Although most Ruidoso home owners aren't 100 percent sure what parts of the town have seen structures burned down by the wildfire, Reichman said that he's heard that the popular businessess of Alto Cafe and Swiss Chalet have been hit by the flames, and, his family's cabin is just three minutes away from those businesses.

When asked what his first reaction was when he heard the news of the nearby structures potentially being hit by the wildfire, Reichman responded, "Oh, just sick. Throwing up is what you want to do. My wife hasn't stopped crying once we saw the map of how close that fire was. Knowing that this is part of my retirement and my life savings and things like that that I purchases as part of my kids inheritance, that gets a little nerve wracking."

Riechman also told ABC-7 that he fears for the wild horses that would roam through his property, in addition to other wildlife.

Even though he has insurance for the cabin, Reichman also fears, if he finds his home in ruins, it will just never be the same.

"Some of the things we found and made it real 'cabiney', if that's such a word, my wife did a great job of decorating with and found a lot of antique and old wood stuff, and made it real cozy and 'cabiney', but, some of that stuff will never be replaced," said Reichman, "Maybe we'll be able to rebuild the structure, but, not the labor."

The -labor- of making their getaway cabin a home, with now, the -laborous- task of perhaps starting from scratch for the Reichmans.

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Indigenous “Voladores” highlights Juarez Fair along with free, A-list concerts, food and rides: “People, Places & Paul” in Mexico Thu, 13 Jun 2024 05:14:23 +0000

CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico (KVIA) -- Whether it be taking in the free concerts right across the border from El Paso, Texas .. to playing the fun games .. to eating authentic Mexican food -including tacos, fruits and CRICKETS (yes, authentic "chapulines" straight from Oaxaca)... there's lots do do at the "Feria Juarez 2024". Over 100,000

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CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico (KVIA) -- Whether it be taking in the free concerts right across the border from El Paso, Texas .. to playing the fun games .. to eating authentic Mexican food -including tacos, fruits and CRICKETS (yes, authentic "chapulines" straight from Oaxaca)... there's lots do do at the "Feria Juarez 2024".

Over 100,000 people from Ciudad Juarez, El Paso and beyond attended the first weekend of this year's Fair right across the Rio Grande. In another edition of "People, Places & Paul", KVIA ABC-7 anchor Paul Cicala goes in-depth at the Juarez fair.

Not only does he talk to members of the Totonaca tribe of Veracruz, Mexico as they "fly high" in their indigenous "Voladores de Papantla" tradition and share their culture with other fair-goers from Juarez & El Paso, Paul Cicala also asks famous Mexican band "Conjunto Primavera" what they think of this borderland tradition -and- the people of El Paso, who also enjoy the fair alongside fellow fronterizos, or borderlanders, from the sister city of Ciudad Juarez. You can also see Cicala eating "chapulines" or "grasshoppers" from the fair here.

If you plan to go, the general cost is 70 Mexican pesos, or less than $4.

"The Juárez Fair is the biggest party in the city, the coolest party that can be here across Ciudad Juárez and the border," said Bryan Briones, director of the fair.

This year, the fair will be at the Red "X" (Plaza de Mexicanidad) from June 7th until June 30th and will be open from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m.

It will also feature some of the best current Mexican artists, bands, musical groups, and performers.

Some of the performers who took the stage the first weekend include Banda MS, Fuerza Regida and Conjunto Primavera.

Other A-list groups that'll perform throughout the month of March include Bronco, Molotov, Luis Cornidez, El Tri, and many more.

If you would like to see this year's lineup you can click here.

Segments of People, Places & Paul air periodically on ABC-7 and show all the positives we have going on in our borderland (including El Paso, Ciudad Juarez & Las Cruces).

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El Paso Content Creators Go Viral After “Chelito’s Burger Challenge” Wed, 12 Jun 2024 03:09:15 +0000

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- A duo of El Paso influencers have left their jobs as a lawyer and salesman to concentrate full time on continuing their efforts of being the top content creators for local social media, all-the-while, bringing thousands of eyeballs right here to the 9-1-5 by focusing on all the positives we

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EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- A duo of El Paso influencers have left their jobs as a lawyer and salesman to concentrate full time on continuing their efforts of being the top content creators for local social media, all-the-while, bringing thousands of eyeballs right here to the 9-1-5 by focusing on all the positives we have in the borderland.

Recently, one of the reels from "De La Story" went viral (with nearly one million views), and brought even more positive attention to El Paso. In another edition of "People, Places & Paul", ABC-7 anchor Paul Cicala followed in the footsteps of others in De La Story's viral video, by also taking the Chelito's Burger Challenge.

The challenge takes place on Thursday's at Chelito's Restaurant, on El Paso's West Side. You can get the food for free, if you can meet the challenge of eating the following within 30 minutes:

-9 Burger Patties, 9 slices of yellow cheese, 9 slices of white cheese, 18 bacons, all the condiments, two large buns that sandwhich everything together, along with a humongous plate of fries and a Mexican-brand soda.

Coming up on ABC-7 at 10 p.m. on Thursday, ABC-7's Paul Cicala will not only take the "Chelito's Burger Challenge".. he'll introduce you to "De La Story", a group of content creators who are taking social media (and the internet) by storm through their Instagram & TikTok posts that are dedicated to showing the borderland (and beyond) that there are plenty of fun places to visit, eateries to check out & things to do in the El Paso area.

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Eastwood’s “Ohana-lympics” promotes inclusion at Special Olympics-type event celebrating diversity Fri, 17 May 2024 04:47:42 +0000

EL PASO, TEXAS (KVIA) -- Hundreds of students, parents & educators turned out to the "Ohana-lympics" at Eastwood High School. The inspirational event included Special-OIympics type games for students with intellectual disabilities, down syndrome & special needs throughout the Ysleta Independent School District. Actor Evan George Vourazeris, who starred in the Neftlix series "Ozark" as

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The actor known as "Tuck" for Netflix series "Ozark" was special guest at Eastwood High School's "Ohana-lympics". Evan George Vourazeris (Tuck) is an El Paso resident.

EL PASO, TEXAS (KVIA) -- Hundreds of students, parents & educators turned out to the "Ohana-lympics" at Eastwood High School.

The inspirational event included Special-OIympics type games for students with intellectual disabilities, down syndrome & special needs throughout the Ysleta Independent School District.

Actor Evan George Vourazeris, who starred in the Neftlix series "Ozark" as the character with down syndrome named "Tuck" is an El Paso resident, and helped MC the event alongside KVIA ABC-7 Anchor Paul Cicala.  

The Ohana Club is a group at Eastwood High School who's mission is to promote diversity & inclusion of all, no matter what their backgrounds, physical abilities or beliefs are.  

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San Elizario Food Truck (DJ’s) offers free food to San Eli High School state champ soccer team Tue, 14 May 2024 21:24:35 +0000

SAN ELIZARIO, TEXAS (KVIA) -- Just a block from the historic Presidio in San Elizario is a new area with popular food trucks that are frequented by many in the lower valley. Danny Herrera Sr., owner of DJ's Food Truck, offered free food to the San Elizario High School boy's soccer team in tribute to

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SAN ELIZARIO, TEXAS (KVIA) -- Just a block from the historic Presidio in San Elizario is a new area with popular food trucks that are frequented by many in the lower valley. Danny Herrera Sr., owner of DJ's Food Truck, offered free food to the San Elizario High School boy's soccer team in tribute to their state championships.

The student-athletes were very appreciative, and brought their state championship soccer trophy. The new food trucks are located about on Glorieta Road, just west of the San Elizario Presidio and historic district.

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10-year-old El Pasoan dreams of being adopted: KVIA & Heart Gallery Wed, 08 May 2024 22:18:05 +0000

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- The dream of any kid is to grow up in a loving, supporting home.  As part of a program called "Heart gallery of El Paso", KVIA continues to profile some amazing children in the borderland who want to be adopted. El Paso: Meet 10-year old Jade. The youngster has a passion for one day

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EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- The dream of any kid is to grow up in a loving, supporting home.  As part of a program called "Heart gallery of El Paso", KVIA continues to profile some amazing children in the borderland who want to be adopted.

El Paso: Meet 10-year old Jade. The youngster has a passion for one day becoming a pilot. She recently got the chance to visit El Paso's War Eagle Museum for the first time, where she also got the opportunity to meet two pilots.

Jade says she absolutely loves planes because of "the way that colors on the plane look, and so I can help people out when they need to go somewhere."

Like many other kids in foster care, Jade hopes to someday find a forever family so she can someday travel with her adoptive parents.

"I'm not scared of heights," proclaimed Jade as she toured all of the planes from the mid 1900s, "I do like the idea of being in the sky, because I love the blue and white clouds in the sky."

When asked about her other hobbies, Jade said, "I do like soccer.  I play in the front yard, and in California I had games."

Jade added, "I would like to see New York City, and probably Japan, and I know how to use chopsticks and their really fun."

Valeria Contreras, the Executive Director of the Heart Gallery of El Paso, said "The Heart Gallery of El Paso aims to elevate the stories of exceptional youth in our community in hopes of connecting these kids with families able to adopt them. If you'd like to learn more about the adoption process, please email and we can connect you with the Texas Department of Families and Protective Services (TXDFPS) to guide you through the adoption process."

If you'd like to learn more about Jade, or other kids in the Heart Gallery of El Paso, you can go to their website:

The non-profit is part of an initiative of the Paso Del Norte Community Foundation to promote adoption -right here- in the borderland.

KVIA Anchor Paul Cicala will profile a kid who's hoping to be adopted every month in a special segment with the Heart Gallery of El Paso.  You can look out for the stories on upcoming broadcasts of ABC-7 at 6 p.m.

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Bowl game conference hosted by El Paso brings thousands to Borderland economy Thu, 18 Apr 2024 00:12:02 +0000

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- The annual bowl season meetings are concluding Wednesday evening in the borderland.  For the first time ever, the Tony the Tiger Sun Bowl hosted hundreds of people at the annual Bowl Season Meetings, which bring tens of thousands of dollars to the El Paso economy. All the representatives from major

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EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- The annual bowl season meetings are concluding Wednesday evening in the borderland.  For the first time ever, the Tony the Tiger Sun Bowl hosted hundreds of people at the annual Bowl Season Meetings, which bring tens of thousands of dollars to the El Paso economy.

All the representatives from major bowls, including the Rose Bowl, Orange Bowl, Fiesta Bowl and Sugar Bowl, have spent the last three days here in El Paso for the annual convention

Representatives from all 43 bowl game were here in the 915, with events going on at the El Paso convention Center, and the Paso Del Norte Hotel.

One of the other bowl games in our region of the border southwest, the Arizona Bowl in Tucson, has hosted the New Mexico State football team, and is always trying to get borderland squads in their game.

The AZ Bowl executive director, Kym Adair, who attended the conference in El Paso, said, "What we loved about it being in Tucson, it was a four hour drive from all the folks to visit us, and come to Tucson and cheer on New Mexico State, I feel like somebody turned out the lights in Las Cruces."

Bernie Olivas, executive director of the Tony the Tiger Sun Bowl, who's hosting the big convention, said, "It's pretty big. We've got Los Angeles, last year we were in Nashville, we were in Orlando, we've been to Houston, San Antonio, all over the place, but, for this to come to El Paso is huge, not only for the Sun Bowl, but the whole city."

The annual bowl season meetings, and the impact it has on the El Paso economy, is the subject of Sunday XTRA, hosted by Mark Ross. You can see ABC-7 Xtra on Sunday night at 10:35 p.m. on ABC-7.

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El Paso sisters waiting to get adopted Tue, 02 Apr 2024 18:50:09 +0000

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- The dream of any kid is to grow up in a loving, supporting home.  As part of a program called "Heart gallery of El Paso", KVIA continues to profile some amazing children in the borderland who want to be adopted. El Paso: Meet 9 & 10-year old sisters Jocelyn & Evelyn. The two

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EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- The dream of any kid is to grow up in a loving, supporting home.  As part of a program called "Heart gallery of El Paso", KVIA continues to profile some amazing children in the borderland who want to be adopted.

El Paso: Meet 9 & 10-year old sisters Jocelyn & Evelyn.

The two sisters love going to the park and to play tag, hang out and, on this particular day, blow bubbles.

"It's fun," said Evelyn as she took part in a contest with ABC-7's Paul Cicala to see who could blow the bubbles the furthest.
Evelyn and her sis, Jocelyn, hope to someday find a forever home so they can share their experiences with their adoptive family.

When it comes to school, Evelyn says "I like to do cheer. One of these days, I want to be a cheerleader."

Meanwhile, Chastelyn says her favorite class is science, "because I like volcano (experiments)."

It was heartwarming to learn that, as the kiddos played a fun card game of "Uno" at the El Paso historical Memorial Park with ABC-7's Paul Cicala, Evelyn opened up to him to say that she hopes to someday become a Judge.

"When I grow up (I want to be a judge), because I know how it feels like to be a kid with a judge."

Evelyn said she knows what it's like to be in the family court system, and, if she becomes a judge one day, she feels she can play a part in helping kids that are in the same position as her, and hope to someday be adopted.

Valeria Contreras, the Executive Director of the Heart Gallery of El Paso, said "The Heart Gallery of El Paso aims to elevate the stories of exceptional youth in our community in hopes of connecting these kids with families able to adopt them. If you'd like to learn more about the adoption process, please email and we can connect you with the Texas Department of Families and Protective Services (TXDFPS) to guide you through the adoption process."

If you'd like to learn more about Evelyn and Jocelyn, or other kids in the Heart Gallery of El Paso, you can go to their website:

The non-profit is part of an initiative of the Paso Del Norte Community Foundation to promote adoption -right here- in the borderland.

ABC Anchor Paul Cicala will profile a kid who's hoping to be adopted every month in a special segment with the Heart Gallery of El Paso.  You can look out for the stories on upcoming broadcasts of ABC-7 at 6 p.m.

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Fan craze for Locomotives is strong with plenty of pro soccer merch and gear Thu, 21 Mar 2024 22:51:03 +0000

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- Even some people from the borderland who consider themselves "casual soccer fans" are continuing to sport their favorite jerseys, shirts and caps that represent El Paso Locomotive FC. The borderland's soccer team recently hosted a matchup with sister-city, and first division Mexican-League pro soccer team FC Juarez.   Hundreds of fans

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EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- Even some people from the borderland who consider themselves "casual soccer fans" are continuing to sport their favorite jerseys, shirts and caps that represent El Paso Locomotive FC.

The borderland's soccer team recently hosted a matchup with sister-city, and first division Mexican-League pro soccer team FC Juarez.   Hundreds of fans swarmed the Locomotive Team shop on that day, as many do during the many matchups that are hosted at downtown El Paso's Southwest University Park.

"It's exciting because we give the fans an opportunity to buy their gear for the new season, and we change it up every season so they have the new gear," said David Apodaca, retail manager for the El Paso Locomotive FC & El Paso Chihuahuas, "This year we have some varsity jackets come in, we have some baseball theme style jerseys for the locos."

Featured product will include caps, jerseys, tees, and novelties from Nike, adidas, Under Armour, and more.

In past press releases, the MountainStar Sports Group announced "We’re excited to take this important step to have an increased presence in a very important part of our community,” said Alan Ledford, MountainStar Sports Group President. “Chihuahuas, (FC Juarez) Bravos, and Locomotive merchandise is worn proudly by our fans throughout the Borderplex and make for a very special holiday gift.”

When ABC-7 asked Apodaca about the extreme pride citizens of El Paso and Ciudad Juarez have for soccer, he said "You know what? They're very passionate. Soccer runs deep in this community. I think it's a Hispanic thing.  It's the working man's sport."

The Chihuahuas Team Shop is located on the corner of Durango St. and Franklin Ave. and Locomotive Team Shop on Sante Fe St. The FC Juarez store can be found online at

Apart from game days, here's more on when the gift shops are open for all of your El Paso & Ciudad Juarez pro sports gear.

Southwest University Park

  • Store Location Hours
  • Chihuahuas Team Shop Durango St. & Franklin Ave.
  • Monday-Saturday: 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
  • Sunday: Closed

Locomotive Team Shop Santa Fe St.

  • Monday-Saturday: 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
  • Sunday: Closed

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Locomotive’s DJ Johnny Kage and Fan Craze Wed, 20 Mar 2024 21:21:59 +0000

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- Fans of the El Paso music scene have long followed the career of DJ Johnny Kage, who is currently the host of the highly rated "Morning Mash" radio show on 104.3 HIT FM, and, now, he's expanding his horizons after becoming an official member of the El Paso Locomotive FC

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EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- Fans of the El Paso music scene have long followed the career of DJ Johnny Kage, who is currently the host of the highly rated "Morning Mash" radio show on 104.3 HIT FM, and, now, he's expanding his horizons after becoming an official member of the El Paso Locomotive FC pro soccer team staff.

Johnny Kage is serving as the In-Stadium DJ and Public Address Announcer at Southwest University Park during the 2024 season for the team.

At Locomotive FC's first game of the season against Hartford Athletic, DJ Johnny Kage told ABC-7: "It's just super awesome. El Paso has a great fan base, especially for soccer. It means a lot to me to get these fans pumped up, and just ready to rock. The team and fans get excited about all the noise so we like to get it loud in here."

Johnny Kage is also a resident DJ for Pitbull's Globalization Radio on Sirius XM channel 13, and he's won multiple awards for his work in local radio and community service and is constantly recognized as one of the most influential voices on radio in El Paso.

In a press release from El Paso Locomotive FC, he said, "I’m extremely excited and honored, and I can’t wait to bring the energy and “puro pari” style to Southwest University Park with Locomotive in 2024,” Johnny Kage said. “I’m looking forward to bringing a music element that Locomotive fans will love. I want people to get hype, get crazy and have a good time as it’s going to be a party every Locomotive match this season.”

"As El Paso Locomotive FC heads into our sixth season, we wanted to bring in something new and exciting to Southwest University Park to elevate the fan experience, and what better way to achieve that than to bring in one of El Paso’s biggest personalities?” Manager, Marketing and Digital Strategies Elizabeth Vega said. “Johnny Kage will take our gameday experience to a whole new level and we can’t wait to see how much fun our fans and families will have at Locomotive matches in 2024.”

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El Paso kids John and Genesis dream of adoption Tue, 12 Mar 2024 22:40:47 +0000

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- The dream of any kid is to grow up in a loving, supporting home.  As part of a program called "Heart gallery of El Paso", KVIA continues to profile some amazing children in the borderland who want to be adopted. El Paso: Meet 1st & 2nd graders John & Genesis.  The brother and sister absolutely

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EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- The dream of any kid is to grow up in a loving, supporting home.  As part of a program called "Heart gallery of El Paso", KVIA continues to profile some amazing children in the borderland who want to be adopted.

El Paso: Meet 1st & 2nd graders John & Genesis.  The brother and sister absolutely love going to the El Paso Zoo and seeing the animals.

Genesis loves to watch the giraffes because she says "Giraffes make me feel better if I'm sad."  Here little brother, John, says his favorite animal to see at the El Paso Zoo is the penguin because he "likes the way they walk."

The outgoing kids are hoping for a forever home, and a family that can share their joys for nature, animals and just spending time together.

On this particular day, the kiddos had fun showing ABC-7 anchor Paul Cicala what it's like to "walk like a penguin", or, make lion and giraffe sounds. It was a fun day at the Zoo for all.

Valeria Contreras, the Executive Director of the Heart Gallery of El Paso, said "The Heart Gallery of El Paso aims to elevate the stories of exceptional youth in our community in hopes of connecting these kids with families able to adopt them. If you'd like to learn more about the adoption process, please email and we can connect you with the Texas Department of Families and Protective Services (TXDFPS) to guide you through the adoption process." 

If you'd like to learn more about the kids in the Heart Gallery of El Paso, you can go to their website.

The non-profit is part of an initiative of the Paso Del Norte Community Foundation to promote adoption -right here- in the borderland.

ABC Anchor Paul Cicala will profile a kid who's hoping to be adopted every several weeks in a special segment with the Heart Gallery of El Paso.  You can look out for the stories on upcoming broadcasts of ABC-7 at 6 p.m.

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Cliff dwellings in Chihuahua, Casas Grandes, and Amazing Mogollon Ruins of Paquime Wed, 28 Feb 2024 00:54:46 +0000

CASAS GRANDES, CHIHUAHUA -MEXICO- - For a recent edition of ABC-7's "People, Places & Paul", KVIA Anchor Paul Cicala took the trek to this region in Mexico, just south of the state of the state of New Mexico, to show viewer's first-hand what their missing in this cultural, historical area booming with nature. For decades, people

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CASAS GRANDES, CHIHUAHUA -MEXICO- - For a recent edition of ABC-7's "People, Places & Paul", KVIA Anchor Paul Cicala took the trek to this region in Mexico, just south of the state of the state of New Mexico, to show viewer's first-hand what their missing in this cultural, historical area booming with nature.

For decades, people in the El Paso, Las Cruces and Ciudad Juarez area have been making the easy drive to the Paquime ruins Chihahua, just south of the border with Deming, New Mexico.  The ancient Mogollon indigenous city of Paquime, in Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, is considered an "Unesco World Heritage Site." 

"I try to, if possible, go to new destinations every time to learn something new," said John Ferguson, who had just visited the Paquime Ruins. He said he was amazed by the old dwellings of the Mogollon people, who left the city around the 1400's. Paquime is one of the largest, most complex Mogollon historic sites around, and highly considered one of the most significant indigenous ruins in Northern Mexico.

"I actually, want to learn more about the Mogollon culture, and that's why we came," said Ferguson, who made the drive all the way from the border town of Presidio, Texas. 

Meanwhile, Juarez resident Karmen Dominguez says she's a regular of Casas Grandes. 

"It makes me very animated to be here in an area that's such an easy drive from Ciudad Juarez and El Paso and has so much history," said Dominguez.

Dominguez encourages everyone to make the 3 to 4 hour drive from the El Paso/Juarez area, because the experiences go beyond the Paquime ruins.

Apart from the beautiful town of Casas Grandes being considered a "Pueblo Magico", which is an esteemed designation for a city that's known for history, culture and tourism, there is plenty areas filled with nature to visit nearby.

Just an hour drive from Casas Grandes, tourists can visit the Cliff Dwellings of the Mogollon people, in the mountains south of Casas Grandes, in an area called "Cueva De La Olla".

The "Cueva de la Olla" literally translates to "Cave of the Pottery".  In addition to adobe dwellings still inside the caves, that were used for living quarters for the Mogollong people, a giant "pottery-shaped" structure is still standing. 

Anthropologists say the food cultivated during the growing season was most-likely stored in this "pottery-shaped" adobe structure.

The Mogollon people also have similar cave dwellings in the USA states of New Mexico and Arizona, in addition to Northern Sonora, Mexico.   

Meanwhile, in the city of Casas Grandes itself, there's also a museum that's dedicated to the Apache tribes, who also use to call this region home.  

Many people don't realize that Casas Grandes, Chihuahua has tons of history from the Mexican Revolution.   In a century-plus old fort (now serving as a boutique and museum called "Casa Del Nopal"), revolutionary events took place very often.  In fact, solders involved in the Mexican Revolution would stay in these adobe buildings, and now, these homes (at Casa Del Nopal)  are used as airbnb's.

Diana Acosta, owner of Casa Del Nopal, said"We have art, we have historical sites, and of course, we have gastronomy, so you need to come and visit us." 

A visit to Casas Grandes, is a visit to one of the jewels of the border southwest.  

Acosta, who speaks perfect English, also runs the "Agave Lindo" Tourism company, and can get people set up with tours of the region. 

For more info, you can go to or e-mail: 

There is a USA number listed as well as: 520-838-9729

 "Come to Mexico," said Acosta, "You'll fall in love with people of the area."

You can make the drive to Casas Grandes, Chihuahua ny entering through the Palomas port of entrye, just south of Deming, New Mexico, or drive east from Ciudad Juarez.

Scores of residents in El Paso, Las Cruces and Ciudad Juarez make the trip every month to this amazing  "Pueblo Magico",  "Magical Town", which is a rare designation given to historical and touristic cities.

Through "People, Places & Paul", you can find several stories in which Paul Cicala visits distinct sites in our region of the borderland and beyond.

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14-year-old El Pasoan Chastelyn dreams of adoption Fri, 16 Feb 2024 22:46:38 +0000

The dream of any kid is to grow up in a loving, supporting home. As part of a program called "Heart gallery of El Paso", KVIA continues to profile some amazing children in the Borderland who want to be adopted. EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- Meet 14-year old Chastelyn. The high school freshman received the thrill of a lifetime after

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The dream of any kid is to grow up in a loving, supporting home. As part of a program called "Heart gallery of El Paso", KVIA continues to profile some amazing children in the Borderland who want to be adopted.

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- Meet 14-year old Chastelyn. The high school freshman received the thrill of a lifetime after being invited to tour the El Paso Community College Fashion Technology Program's "Fashion Lab."

Chastelyn hopes to one day focus on a career in fashion and design, and had the chance to get up, close and personal with students at EPCC and specialists in the field, like the Fashion Technology program's Coordinator Vanessa Ramirez.

Chastelyn excitedly told ABC-7, "There has to be inspiration in order for you to make something."

It's no secret, her passion if for fashion. Chastelyn says her love for the industry began with her interest for Asian culture and arts.

"It all started when I started watching K-Dramas and K-Pop, like it has to do with Korean culture, and I liked how they dressed, and what they showed, and I was like, this is what I want to do," said Chastelyn, "This looks cool, and I want to do it."

That's exactly what Chastelyn is doing, while shadowing students at EPCC who are achieving their own dreams for seams.

Chastelyn hopes to someday find a forever home, and family, so every day, she can share her passion for this type of industry.

"I would like to (share) with them what I do throughout my day with fashion, and what I made, and tell them about what I really want to do with that project," said Chastelyn. "It's very exciting actually. I just want to do something over there (in the Fashion Lab). It looked really cool.  When I came in here, I was like 'wow.'"

"The Heart Gallery of El Paso aims to elevate the stories of exceptional youth in our community in hopes of connecting these kids with families able to adopt them," Valeria Contreras, the Executive Director of the Heart Gallery of El Paso, said "If you'd like to learn more about the adoption process, please email and we can connect you with the Texas Department of Families and Protective Services (TXDFPS) to guide you through the adoption process."

If you'd like to learn more about Chastelyn, or other kids in the Heart Gallery of El Paso, you can go to their website:

The non-profit is part of an initiative of the Paso Del Norte Community Foundation to promote adoption -right here- in the Borderland.

 ABC Anchor Paul Cicala will profile a kid who's hoping to be adopted every month in a special segment with the Heart Gallery of El Paso.  You can look out for the stories on upcoming broadcasts of ABC-7 at 6 p.m.

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El Paso public figures to take part in Special Olympics Polar Plunge Fri, 02 Feb 2024 01:05:02 +0000

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- Thousands of dollars are raised every year for Special Olympics Texas & the El Paso area through the Polar Plunge, and we're now learning that several city leaders will be taking part in the annual event this Saturday. Some city leaders who'll jump into bone-chilling cold water in order to

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EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- Thousands of dollars are raised every year for Special Olympics Texas & the El Paso area through the Polar Plunge, and we're now learning that several city leaders will be taking part in the annual event this Saturday.

Some city leaders who'll jump into bone-chilling cold water in order to help athletes at the Special Olympics here in the borderland include: El Paso County Sheriff Commander Ryan Urrutia, Judge Lydia Garcia, Horizon Police Chief Marco Vargas and countless others.  As they say at the Special Olympics Texas Area 19: "Brace yourselves for an exhilarating icy plunge." 

The annual event promises a heartwarming experience as brave participants, known as Plungers, dive into the frigid waters, all in support of the Special Olympics.

The annual event will take place at Camp Cohen/El Paso, beginning at around 9 a.m. on Saturday, February 3rd.

The Polar Plunge is a unique fundraising event organized by Special Olympics Texas to raise funds and awareness for the incredible athletes of Area 19. Participants, or "Plungers," will don creative costumes and brave the chilly waters, all in the name of inclusivity and support for the Special Olympics.

If you'd like to take part in the event, there's more info (and a signup sheet) here.

Each participant is encouraged to raise a minimum of $100 to support the Special Olympics Texas Area 19.

By taking the plunge, those who volunteer to brave the cold waters are directly contribute to the success of Special Olympics Texas. Funds raised will support year-round sports training and competitions for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, fostering physical fitness, self-confidence, and friendship.

Nydia Carrizosa, part of the Special Olympics Texas Area 19 team, said "The Polar Plunge is more than just a daring dip; it's a symbol of unity and support for the Special Olympics Texas athletes. We invite everyone to join us in this heartwarming event and make a splash for a great cause."

There'll also be entertainment and prizes.

The Polar Plunge is not just a chilly dip – it's a celebration! Spectators and participants can enjoy live entertainment, festive music, and the chance to win fantastic prizes for the best costumes and the highest fundraising amounts.

Special Olympics Texas provides year-round sports training and competitions for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, promoting physical fitness, self-confidence, and a sense of community. The organization is dedicated to fostering inclusion and acceptance for individuals with intellectual disabilities through the power of sports.

ABC-7 Anchor Paul Cicala has taken part in several Polar Plunges over the years as a die-hard supporter of the Special Olympics, and he'll represent KVIA ABC-7 this Saturday as well.

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Special Olympics Polar Plunge set to raise thousands at Camp Cohen Fri, 26 Jan 2024 23:36:46 +0000

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- It's that time of the year again, in which you can jump into bone-chilling cold water in order to help athletes at the Special Olympics here in the Borderland. As they say at the Special Olympics Texas Area 19: "Brace yourselves for an exhilarating icy plunge." The annual event promises

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EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- It's that time of the year again, in which you can jump into bone-chilling cold water in order to help athletes at the Special Olympics here in the Borderland. As they say at the Special Olympics Texas Area 19: "Brace yourselves for an exhilarating icy plunge."

The annual event promises a heartwarming experience as brave participants, known as Plungers, dive into the frigid waters, all in support of the Special Olympics.

The annual event will take place at Camp Cohen/El Paso, beginning at around 9 a.m. on Saturday, February 3rd.

The Polar Plunge is a unique fundraising event organized by Special Olympics Texas to raise funds and awareness for the incredible athletes of Area 19. Participants, or "Plungers," will don creative costumes and brave the chilly waters, all in the name of inclusivity and support for the Special Olympics.

If you'd like to take part in the event, there's more info (and a signup sheet) here.

Each participant is encouraged to raise a minimum of $100 to support the Special Olympics Texas Area 19.

By taking the plunge, those who volunteer to brave the cold waters are directly contribute to the success of Special Olympics Texas. Funds raised will support year-round sports training and competitions for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, fostering physical fitness, self-confidence, and friendship.

Nydia Carrizosa, part of the Special Olympics Texas Area 19 team, said "The Polar Plunge is more than just a daring dip; it's a symbol of unity and support for the Special Olympics Texas athletes. We invite everyone to join us in this heartwarming event and make a splash for a great cause."

There'll also be entertainment and prizes.

The Polar Plunge is not just a chilly dip – it's a celebration! Spectators and participants can enjoy live entertainment, festive music, and the chance to win fantastic prizes for the best costumes and the highest fundraising amounts.

You can also connect with the Special Olympics Texas Area 19 at the following social media venues:

Facebook: @SOTX19

Twitter/X: @SOTexas

Instagram: @specialolympicstx19

Special Olympics Texas provides year-round sports training and competitions for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, promoting physical fitness, self-confidence, and a sense of community. The organization is dedicated to fostering inclusion and acceptance for individuals with intellectual disabilities through the power of sports.

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Two-month-old receives life-altering skull surgery Fri, 19 Jan 2024 04:22:03 +0000

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- Two-month-old baby Amelia is held tightly by her father, Benjamin Duran, just a few hours after a surgical procedure at El Paso Children's Hospital that will allow her to have a normal childhood. Amelia is just one of dozens of babies who received life-altering surgery developed by the late El

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EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- Two-month-old baby Amelia is held tightly by her father, Benjamin Duran, just a few hours after a surgical procedure at El Paso Children's Hospital that will allow her to have a normal childhood.

Amelia is just one of dozens of babies who received life-altering surgery developed by the late El Paso Children's Hospital Doctor David Jimenez. 

"We're very privileged to be here," said Duran, as he continued to lovingly grip his daughter Amelia.

Along with Dr. Ziyad Makoshi, Doctor David Yates completed a tecnique on Amelia known as "Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Craniosynostosis Surgery".

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention describes Craniosynostosis as:

A birth defect in which the bones in a baby's skull join together too early. This happens before the baby's brain is fully formed. As the baby's brain grows, the skull can become more misshapen.

"If (the condition) continues and worsens, it can affect development, it can affect their ability to do well in school, it can affect their personality," Dr. Yates, the Medical Director for Cleft & Craniofacial Surgery at El Paso Children's Hospital, said. "In the worst cases, it can even cause blindness and death. It's really a unique privilege to be able to treat a kid who's two months old and has a disorder that could affect them very negatively for their whole life and even cause them to end their life prematurely."

"That's the worst part for a father," Duran said when asked about his daughter's diagnosis, "because you don't know what to expect or what to do."

Dr. Yates added that if not for the revolutionary surgery for Amelia, "her brain could not grow at all like this, it could only grow like this.  And, it's like the brain is being forced into a little cube." 

"We've received so much love, it makes you feel that you're not alone in this," Karla Araya, Amelia's mother, said.

The bills for surgery and travel have added up significantly for the family of Amelia.  If you'd like to help, you can visit their GoFundMe.

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Heart Gallery spotlight for adoption: 11-year-old Daniel Wed, 10 Jan 2024 00:55:29 +0000

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- The dream of any kid is to grow up in a loving, supporting home.  As part of a program called "Heart gallery of El Paso," KVIA is profiling some amazing children in the borderland who want to be adopted. El Paso: Meet 11-year old Daniel.  He loves to play soccer

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EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- The dream of any kid is to grow up in a loving, supporting home.  As part of a program called "Heart gallery of El Paso," KVIA is profiling some amazing children in the borderland who want to be adopted.

El Paso: Meet 11-year old Daniel.  He loves to play soccer "because you use your feet," proclaimed Daniel with pride as he sat down with ABC-7 Anchor Paul Cicala at UTEP.  Apart from loving "to use his feet", Daniel also is keen on using his "head" since he's a straight-A student.   Daniel's dream is to find a forever home, and family, so he can share his love for sports, doing his homework, and working on his lego projects. The 11-year-old is one of the many El Paso kids who are being spotlighted by the Heart Galler of El Paso.

Valeria Contreras, the Executive Director of the Heart Gallery of El Paso, said "The Heart Gallery of El Paso aims to elevate the stories of exceptional youth in our community in hopes of connecting these kids with families able to adopt them. If you'd like to learn more about the adoption process, please email and we can connect you with the Texas Department of Families and Protective Services (TXDFPS) to guide you through the adoption process." 

If you'd like to learn more about Daniel, or other kids in the Heart Gallery of El Paso, you can go to their website

The non-profit is part of an initiative of the Paso Del Norte Community Foundation to promote adoption -right here- in the Borderland. 

ABC Anchor Paul Cicala will profile a child who's hoping to be adopted every month in a special segment with the Heart Gallery of El Paso.  You can look out for the stories on upcoming broadcasts of ABC-7 at 6 p.m. 

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People, Places & Paul: El Paso area’s claim to “1st Thanksgiving” in 1598 Sat, 25 Nov 2023 05:49:10 +0000

SAN ELIZARIO, Texas (KVIA) -- Many people don't realize that the El Paso-area has its own claim-to-fame that the first thanksgiving on what's currently USA soil took place along the Rio Grande.  The town of San Elizario even has a plaque commemorating the first thanksgiving meal that's situated just in front of the historic, 19th century

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SAN ELIZARIO, Texas (KVIA) -- Many people don't realize that the El Paso-area has its own claim-to-fame that the first thanksgiving on what's currently USA soil took place along the Rio Grande.  The town of San Elizario even has a plaque commemorating the first thanksgiving meal that's situated just in front of the historic, 19th century church.

According to the Legislative Reference Library of Texas, the first Thanksgiving celebration the current-day United States took place after Spanish explorers first arrived to this region.

The Legislative Reference Library of Texas states: "An expedition led by Spanish explorer Don Juan de Oñate journeyed from Mexico and, after months of arduous travel, arrived at the Rio Grande near what is now San Elizario. The exploration party and the indigenous people celebrated their accomplishment with a feast and Catholic ceremonies - 23 years before the Pilgrims held their famous dinner at Plymouth Rock."

The native americans of this region welcomed the Spanish explorers, and provided the hungry group with fish and other resources along the Rio Grande.

ABC-7 caught up with one of the pioneer families of San Elizario.  Sly Loya says his family has lived in this region of the lower valley for multiple generations.

"My whole family, the Loya family, we go a lot of generations of Loyas are proud of the first thanksgiving that was here back in the 1500's," said Sly Loya, who lives a block away from the historic chapel in San Elizario, Texas, "I know a lot of people are thinking Plymouth Rock, but, history stays it was in my hometown of San Elizario.My whole family, the Loya family, we go a lot of generations of Loyas are proud of the first thanksgiving that was here back in the 1500's. I know a lot of people are thinking Plymouth Rock,but, history stays it was in my hometown of San Elizario.

The Legislative Reference Library of Texas also points out that the State House and Senate ach commemorated the historical milestone of the Thanksgiving celebration in 1990,

"and Governor Rick Perry has recognized April 30 as the official day of the First Thanksgiving. For 20 years, the El Paso Mission Trail Association has conducted an annual historical reenactment of the event, and their work was honored by the Texas House in 2006."

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People, Places & Paul: Eastside growth & Mayor Oscar Leeser Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:32:47 +0000

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- Over the last decade, the eastside of El Paso has seen tremendous growth. That growth has brought new homes, businesses, and people to the area. Back in 2012, El Paso voters helped pass the "Quality of Life" bonds, which allowed the city to use $450 million in taxpayer money on

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EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- Over the last decade, the eastside of El Paso has seen tremendous growth.

That growth has brought new homes, businesses, and people to the area.

Back in 2012, El Paso voters helped pass the "Quality of Life" bonds, which allowed the city to use $450 million in taxpayer money on a number of new projects.

Several years later, El Pasoans continue to see the fruition of these voter approved bonds, especially in East El Paso and at the multi-million dollar "urban park" called "The Beast".

The Beast includes a state of the art, family-friendly water park, which is one of the highlights of phase one of the construction of the urban park, which spans across more than ten acres and includes a community center.

"I was mayor from [20]13 to [20]17. A lot of the things you see today, we started doing then," said El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser. "And, then, when I came back in 2021, we were able to finish the Beast. It's been very, very exciting."

The facility has indoor pools, including Olympic-size lanes, warmup and cool-down pools, and diving boards.

In addition, the community gym has indoor basketball courts, a weight room, and an indoor track. There are also several study and activity rooms, including computer labs and areas hosting activities for kids and families.

The multigenerational community center includes spectator seating, reading rooms, and lockers to help serve the needs of an ever-growing population on the city's eastside.

"It's huge growth as you've seen right now, and about 75% of the permits that have been taken out within the city are out here on the eastside," said Mayor Leeser. "We've been very excited about the growth of our population, but also how we've been able to really incorporate all of the city. You talk about Camp Cohen, and you talk about the Olympic Pool on the West Side, and now the Beast on the eastside. It's something you never would have imagined 15 or 20 years ago."

The dreams are now becoming a reality, as we see El Paso continue to develop from the south, the north, the west, and what we affectionately call the "BEAST" of the East. 

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ABC-7 Listens: Daylight Saving Time Debate In El Paso Wed, 01 Nov 2023 22:02:48 +0000

It's almost that time for everyone to "turn back the clocks" for daylight saving time here in the borderland.  It's an annual period when the USA and other countries change the clocks to make daylight last longer. Don't forget to set your clocks back on hour this Upcoming Sunday, November 5th (It may be best to

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It's almost that time for everyone to "turn back the clocks" for daylight saving time here in the borderland.  It's an annual period when the USA and other countries change the clocks to make daylight last longer.

Don't forget to set your clocks back on hour this Upcoming Sunday, November 5th (It may be best to do it before you go to sleep on Saturday night).

It's something most of the country is accustomed to (with the exception of Arizona and Hawaii, who, have never adhered to the changes.

"Daylight Saving" has been the topic of conversation for many El Pasoans and was addressed on ABC-7 Listens.

KVIA Viewer, Jesus, wrote us an e-mail saying: "I heard the weather man say we change clocks in the fall again.  Aren't the time changes supposed to end?  Didn't they pass some bill in Washington to stop the time change?

We answered Jesus "on air", and basically it goes like this:

Jesus is right that some lawmakers thave tried to get rid of the time changes, which is federal law.  In fact, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida proposed legislation called the "Sunshine Protection Act".   However, it satlled earlier this year despite gaining a lot of momentum in 2022.

If you're wondering, at the state level, new clock change legislation was voted down recently in ten states, including New Mexico.

There are strong opinions on both sides, and changing federal law can be a drawn out process, which has helped keep the current system in place.

So, for now look for the positive: You gain an hour back (because in March, it'll be the opposite, and we'll lose an hour in the daylight saving time change).

For that reason, this upcoming Sunday... you'll be able to treat yourself to sleeping in for an extra hour.

Catching some zzzz's as we put this issue, for now, to bed.

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Battle of I-10 game brought eyes, dollars to the Borderland Thu, 19 Oct 2023 21:14:00 +0000

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- People across the country tuned into the rivalry football showdown between UTEP & New Mexico State on the ESPN family of networks Wednesday night. The 100th edition of the I-10 rivalry has an economic impact of hundreds of thousands of dollars. "Millions of viewers see our beautiful Sun Bowl," José Garcia,

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EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- People across the country tuned into the rivalry football showdown between UTEP & New Mexico State on the ESPN family of networks Wednesday night. The 100th edition of the I-10 rivalry has an economic impact of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

"Millions of viewers see our beautiful Sun Bowl," José Garcia, CEO for Destination El Paso, said. "[The] kickoff, and just the great vistas we have of downtown and [of0 the Franklin Mountains. It's one of those things where people say, 'look at how beautiful El Paso is. I want to go visit El Paso, I don't know a lot about the desert southwest, and I want to go see what El Paso's all about.'"

At kickoff, the temperatures were in the upper 80s on a beautiful, calm, mid-October night.

"Think about the Midwest and back East," said Garcia, "It's gloomy and cloudy. It's already cold, and we have a Destination El Paso day."

In addition, on the live ESPN broadcasts, both the University of Texas at El Paso and New Mexico State University have commercials promoting their institutions, and cities, that air in front of millions of people.

"We've seen the promotional videos from UTEP, and they're perfectly done," said Garcia, "They see our amazing city."

In addition to the people who watched the broadcast from other parts of the USA who now may inclined to plan a visit to El Paso, tens of thousands of dollars more are brought into the borderland economy through visitors who make their way to the game from Las Cruces and other parts of Southern New Mexico. Those visitors, spend money gassing up at El Paso convenient stores, spend their money at borderland restaurants, and in some occasions, stay at the local hotels.  It's all extra money coming to the El Paso economy after a big rivalry game like the UTEP-NMSU showdown. 

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People, Places & Paul: Missions in Socorro, Ysleta & San Elizario bring pride to Borderland Thu, 19 Oct 2023 16:48:27 +0000

EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- It's been great living and working in the El Paso area after returning less than a month ago to this wonderful place I call home. There are so many hidden gems in the borderland, however, one of the most popular tourist attractions that most people in this region are very prideful

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EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) -- It's been great living and working in the El Paso area after returning less than a month ago to this wonderful place I call home. There are so many hidden gems in the borderland, however, one of the most popular tourist attractions that most people in this region are very prideful about, is the "El Paso Mission Trail."

In another edition of ABC-7's "People, Places & Paul", I had the chance to visit the "La Purisima" Mission in Socorro, Texas and talk to residents of the lower valley who visit the mission(s) regularly.

Socorro native Pinky Arrieta, who was baptized in the "La Purisima" Mission, said, "Your heart starts to cry because you love it. It's beautiful. There's no place like Socorro, Texas."

Arrieta's pride for his hometown mission is echoed by Shelby McCue, the President of the El Paso Mission Trail Association, who continues to promote historical tourism in the borderland.

"It's all coming around right now, this is a renaissance for the mission trail," said McCue.

Socorro Mayor, Ivy Avalos, recently attended a special event that included a check-presentation for the mission.

"We have industrial, commercial, residential, all coming to Socorro," said Mayor Avalos as she stood in front of the "La Purisima Mission", "so it's growing immensely."

Keep an eye out for more Xtra Depth coverage with ABC-7's "People, Places & Paul" as KVIA anchor Paul Cicala continues to spotlight all of the -positive- we find in the El Paso/Juarez/Las Cruces area.  

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People, Places & Paul: Revitalization of Downtown El Paso Wed, 11 Oct 2023 20:37:21 +0000

EL PASO, TX (KVIA) -- From taking in game or concert at Southwest Community Park... to strolling through a renovated San Jacinto Plaza... to jumping on the reinstated trollies... to chillin' with friends on a rooftop deck at some of the borderland's social hot spots, downtown El Paso has gone through numerous changes over the last decade. On a personal note, been such

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EL PASO, TX (KVIA) -- From taking in game or concert at Southwest Community Park... to strolling through a renovated San Jacinto Plaza... to jumping on the reinstated trollies... to chillin' with friends on a rooftop deck at some of the borderland's social hot spots, downtown El Paso has gone through numerous changes over the last decade.

On a personal note, been such an exciting experience for -me- to be back in the borderland and re-live all of the amazing additions to the "915".

"Every very great city and community across the country has great downtowns," said Josh Hunt, the Executive Director of Mountainstar Sports Group.

From on top of the tallest building in El Paso (The Weststar high rise), Hunt chatted with me about the number of new downtown venues, and the continued revitalization of downtown El Paso. 

"This (Weststar high rise is) the first high rise in 40 years," said Hunt, "and I think its a new landmark for our downtown,  I hope we see more projects of this size and scope in downtown in years to come." 

The Weststar building, completed in 2021 rivals the re-opened Plaza Hotel and Paso Del Norte Hotel, which was named the "Camino Real" when I left El Paso ten years ago!

Dozens of stories below my lookout point on the high rise, I peered in awed of another investment Josh Hunt and his management group have collaborated on to bring more families to the city's center.  Hunt explained:

"What's going to be the end outcome, is a 75 million dollar children's science museum that's going to have 40 million dollars of public money and 35 million in private money. Just like the ball park, it's a public-private partnership. And, I think that's a way to deliver excellence to this community."

Hunt and his management group played a major part in bringing us the El Paso Chiihuahuas professional baseball team, and  building the state of the art Southwest University Stadium that's also home to the Locomotive pro soccer squad.

"It won ballpark of the year so I think working in partnership with the city, we did a good job in building a first class-facility, -why- we got into that was to focus on quality of life, economic development, and downtown revitalization," said Hunt, who is an El Paso native.

In fact his father, Woody, is a proud graduate of Ysleta High School.  As proud residents of the borderland, Hunt and his management group have made sure to try to incorporate murals and other reminders of El Paso's rich culture on full display, even in the newest buildings.  It's great to see El Paso's rich history being preserved while "modernization" continues to charge forward.

Many of the additions of downtown were included in the first edition of KVIA's "People, Places & Paul" series.  In our next story in this series, we'll focus on how the Ysleta, Socorro and San Elizario Missions, continue to spark tourism and -pride- to the lower valley. 

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Paul Cicala, main co-anchor Mon, 09 Oct 2023 19:44:24 +0000

Paul Cicala is excited to be back in the borderland after a career that's included multiple Emmy nominations & Edward R. Murrow Awards. Cicala made a name for himself in the El Paso/Ciudad Juarez/Las Cruces area in his first stint at KVIA through his reports on the unfortunate drug war that was going on between the Sinaloa Cartel

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Paul Cicala is excited to be back in the borderland after a career that's included multiple Emmy nominations & Edward R. Murrow Awards.

Cicala made a name for himself in the El Paso/Ciudad Juarez/Las Cruces area in his first stint at KVIA through his reports on the unfortunate drug war that was going on between the Sinaloa Cartel and Juarez cartel in El Paso's sister city of Ciudad Juarez. He also was a sports reporter at KVIA and headed up the Borderland Blitz football show during his first stint at ABC-7.  Before he left KVIA a decade ago, Cicala was voted the 2013 "Best of the Best" Winner for the El Paso periodical "What's up" in the category "Best TV News Anchor Under 40."

Cicala also received 2 prestigious Edward R. Murrow awards during his first run at KVIA for a three-part series reporting in Medellin, Colombia and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico & the drug war along the border.

The other Edward R. Murrow Award Cicala won was on a Mexican immigrant's success as a musician while utilizing his athletic talent that he honed in Chihuahua, Mexico.

Cicala's first TV job was at FOX Sports in Los Angeles, while attending the University of Southern California (USC). where he graduated magna cum laude. Upon graduating from college, Cicala accepted a job for NBC Network news & produced for NBC's Burbank bureau, where he had the chance to travel and cover stories all throughout the U.S. and Mexico including the Monica Lewinski/President Clinton saga (in which he was flown by NBC Network news to Washington DC to shadow Monica Lewinski), several months at the Unabomber trial in Sacramento, CA and flood damages & deaths in Northern Mexico (just to name a few).

Paul Cicala has won Regional Associated Press Awards for “Best Sports Reporting.” At his last station where Cicala also anchored for news, Cicala was voted “Best Sportscaster” by readers of the “Tucson Weekly” (for the last eight years in a row).  Cicala has also been voted the "best male news anchor" by readers of the Spanish-Language Magazine "Perfil Social" for multiple years.

Cicala has always taken pride in his news & "border reporter" roots as a journalist.  Cicala has done numerous stories in Chihuahua, Sonora & Sinaloa, Mexico, with an emphasis on focusing on the POSITIVE of our unique position as a border state.

Paul Cicala's endeavors in news have also landed him on national TV shows. Cicala had the honor of being a guest on the Oprah Winfrey show in Chicago, providing perspective as an objective journalist after covering a story about a high school guidance counselor who posed nude in an adult magazine.

Cicala has had an equally active life outside of news, with experience as a teacher, a mentor to at-risk youth on Tucson's south side and as a Rotary Ambassador of Goodwill in central Mexico.

When Paul's not anchoring and reporting he can be found at local gyms working out or playing basketball. He also enjoys cultural activities, taking the quick drive south of the border to our border state of Chihuahua Mexico, where he occasionally works on feature stories reflecting the POSITIVITY of our border neighbors, and volunteering with the community.

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